地方節慶的抵抗與改變 ─ 以桃園蓮花季為例

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隨著台灣經濟的蓬勃發展,台灣的產業結構從過去以農業為主逐漸朝向以工、商業為主的社會,過程中除帶給地區經濟成長外也帶來環境汙染等外部效應。其中桃園市觀音區也面臨這樣的問題,而造成日後在地居民的抗爭。然而有趣的是之後在地居民的抗爭運動造成蓮花休閒產業出現以及桃園蓮花季的舉辦,並發展為觀音區重要的節慶及產業。目前該產業以及節慶的發展遇到困境,在地居民也試圖做出改變解決現況。另一方面,桃園獨特的產業地景埤塘始終沒有與節慶做結合,也沒被徵招進活動之中,反而是被地方政府所重視,並提出如地景藝術節、世界遺產潛力點作為保存的形式,形成反差。本研究認為桃園蓮花季獨特的歷史發展過程除反映地方如何回應外,也反映出地方節慶的多元意義,並非只是經濟產業活動。另外埤塘與不同行動者的關係也顯示埤塘至現代意義的轉變以及與地方間的疏離。 本研究發現,桃園蓮花季節慶不純然只是一種經濟產業活動,而是一種地方對工業入侵的抵抗,透過蓮花徵召各個行動者進行協同合作抵抗。然而隨著桃園蓮花季的擴張、資本主義的逐漸入侵,桃園蓮花季的意義已轉變,失去過往的抵抗目的,同時原有建構的網絡也逐漸分崩離析。另一方面,埤塘對政府而言是國族認同及其治理的象徵,然對在地而言則呈現疏離。透過對桃園蓮花季的分析討論,本研究補充節慶以及桃園蓮花季不同面向的討論,提供鄉村發展下的不同觀點分析。
With the rapid economic development, Taiwan’s economic structure has gradually transferred from agriculture towards business and industry society. This brought about not only economic growth but also environmental pollution. Guanyin is just a case in point and local people organized themselves to protest against the degradation of Guanyin’s environment. However, this social movement resulted in local leisure industry and Taoyuan Lotus Festival, which became more and more important in Guanyin. On the other hand, in recent years, ponds in Taoyuan has been valued by local government and such promotional activities as “Land Art Festival‘, “World Heritage Potential Points” have been proposed. But ponds and Taoyuan Lotus Festival have not come together. Ponds have never been enrolled in Taoyuan Lotus Festival networks. This study argues festival is not just an economic activity and demonstrates how local people reacted to rural industrialization by holding Taoyuan Lotus Festival. The study also documents the relationships between Lotus festival and local ponds, showing their multiple meaning. This study finds that Taoyuan Lotus Festival is not just an economic industrial activity, but also a strategy of resistance against rural industrialization. Festival successfully enrolled various actors to collectively resist environmental pollution. However, with the expansion of Taoyuan Lotus Festival and influence of capitalist “ mode of accumulation”, the meaning of Taoyuan Lotus Festival has been changed.The original local actor network had been gradually falling apart. On the other hand, local government takes ponds as a symbol of national identity and tool of governance, while ponds have been alienated from local people’s daily lives. Finally, with the analysis of Taoyuan Lotus Festival, the study shows different meaning of festival and rural development.



桃園蓮花季, 節慶, 埤塘, 行動者網絡, Taoyuan Lotus Festival, Festival, Pond, Actor-network Theory

