

本研究旨在探討國民中學實施資訊融入英語教學,對學生英語學習動機學習策略及學習成就之改變情形。本研究採行動研究法,透過教學網頁、實際教學、參與觀察、文件分析、深度訪談等方式,對桃園縣某國民中學,八年級一個班級35位學生,及七年級兩個班級的學生實施資訊融入英語教學,以了解資訊融入英語教學對國中生學習英語之影響、成效、限制與困擾。本研究的貢獻在於提供給初試資訊融入教學的國中教師一個實施的參考,也讓行政機關及學校當局了解推行教師資訊融入教學的真正障礙,從而解決。 本研究依據研究目的及研究歷程分析提出下列結論: 一、課程規劃:1.資訊融入英語教學的切入點,依據英語教學經驗的判斷;2.資訊融入英語教學的設計以學生為主體;3.以教學目標來思考資訊融入英語教學的角度。 二、實施方法:1.在實施之前應先確認設備狀況;2.實施時隨時注意學生反應,調整教學步驟或修改教材;3.實施結束應對自身與學生皆加以評鑑。 三、學生學習狀況與歷程:1.資訊的應用雖可引起學習動機,但精熟學習仍需傳統教學的反覆練習;2.從資訊融入教學的過程中,學生可習得更多的潛在課程。 四、教師教學歷程及面臨的問題:1.進行資訊融入英語教學,只需基本資訊軟體能力;2.實施資訊融入英語教學可增加英語多媒體教學設計及資訊融入英語教學的專業能力;3.以教師團隊合作資訊融入英語教學,能有效增進專業知能及教學能力。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the changes in the students’ English learning, including their motivation, learning strategy and achievement after the application of IT (information technology) in English teaching in junior high schools in Taoyuan. The action research method was adopted in this research to understand the influence, achievements, limitation and issues of the IT application in English teaching at junior high schools. In accordance with the research goal and the analysis of the progress, I have reached the conclusions as below: A. The curriculum design of English teaching applied with IT : a. As to how IT can be applied in English teaching, it is entirely relied on the judgment based on one’s experience of English teaching. b. It is important to always have the students as the subject of the curriculum design to ensure the diversification of the teaching and evaluations. c. The teaching goal is fundamental when IT is applied in English teaching. B. The approaches for applying IT into English teaching : a. Before the application of IT, it is important to check the availability of facilities. b. During the implementation, it is essential to pay close attention to the feedback of the students to adjust the teaching procedures or to modify the teaching materials accordingly. c. It is also important to perform self evaluation and to have the feedback from the students after the teaching sessions. C. The students’ learning progress and achievement after the application of IT in English teaching : a. The repetitive practices in traditional teaching play the main role for profound study. b. Through the IT application in English teaching, the learning scope is broadened to other subjects for the students. D. The teaching progress and the potential issues that the teachers might be having when applying IT in English teaching. a. It only requires basic IT software knowledge to apply IT in English teaching. b. The IT application does improve the ability of using multimedia in designing English teaching and the profession of applying IT in English teaching. c. Through the team work of the teachers in applying IT in English teaching, it can effectively improve the professional knowledge and the competence in teaching.



資訊融入英語教學, 英語教學, 行動研究, Action Rearch, English teaching, The application of information technology





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