
dc.description.abstract高中藝術生活學科在台灣藝術教育發展的進程上,為一新興學科,其設科乃至學科內涵的建構對我國藝術教育影響重大。本研究之目的即在探討高中藝術生活在八四年高中課程標準修訂時設科之後,歷經九五暫綱、九九新課綱等三次課綱轉變下,其教科書編撰、審查與出版的形塑過程、編撰與審定者對課綱政策的看法、教科書形塑過程中所涉及之權力關係以及所衍生之議題等。期望能藉研究之進行釐清我國高中藝術生活教科書之發展始末,並對未來高中藝術課程教科書之相關政策提出具體建議。 為釐清上述研究目的,本研究使用深度訪談、文件分析、輿論分析等方式收集研究資料,瞭解藝術生活教科書的發展過程中,各方人士的參與過程與經驗,以梳理藝術生活教科書之形塑脈絡。在深度訪談對象之選取上,包含歷次課綱政策下之教科書編輯委員、審查委員、出版社人員以及國立編譯館相關人員。在文件、輿論分析部份,則包括國立編譯館所提供之高中藝術生活教科書審查意見,以及相關輿論等。藉由多方資料的查驗與分析,透視教科書之發展經過與審定過程,並匯聚藝術生活教科書發展之相關議題。 本研究在梳理對藝術生活科的定位、各方人士對於課綱之解讀、教科書形塑過程中多方權力之拉鋸,與引發的議題後,逐漸歸納出藝術生活教科書的形塑與爭議。研究結果顯示,藝術生活一科在八四課程標準時被設為選修科目,因此教科書長期處於懸缺狀態,直至九五暫綱將藝術生活訂為必修課程後,藝術生活教科書乃從無到有,並在九九新課綱政策變革下持續發展。在藝術生活教科書的形塑過程中,由於課綱政策不斷擺盪,以至教科書發展難趨穩定;加以藝術生活學科的新興特質,使教科書各方相關人士對於課綱解讀、編輯經驗、審查原則、出版方針等諸多議題,每有理解與釐清上的疑慮。藝術生活教科書在多方不確定因子共存下,難以形成穩定的形塑模式。由於仍處摸索階段,各方交會的衝突癥結未解,藝術生活教科書發展至今的衍生爭議恐仍僅止於開端,未來持續碰撞與交鋒難免。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractArts and life in high school education is a new and rising subject in the course of Taiwan’s art education development. The establishment of this subject and the improvement of its content and quality have a significant influence on the nation’s art education. Arts and life in high school was established with the senior high school curriculum standards of year 1995. Then, the subject has undergone transformation after three different curriculum guidelines, including the general provisional guidelines for senior high school curriculum of year 2006, and the general guidelines for senior high school curriculum of year 2009. The objective of this research is to explore the process of editing, compiling, examining, and publishing the textbooks, compilers’ and examiners’opinions on the curriculum guidelines policy, and the power relations involved in the producing process of the textbooks and the emerging issues. I hope that the research would make clear the history and development of the nation’s Arts and life textbooks in high school settings, and also give specific suggestions for future policies related to high school art course textbooks. To clarify the objective of this research, I would apply several ways including in-depth interview, documentary and public opinion analysis to collect the research data, so as to understand the participating process and experiences from related people during the developmental procedure of Arts and life textbooks. The in-depth interview respondents involve editing and examining committee members, publishers and related members of National Institute for Compilation and Translation. On the part of the analysis of documents and public opinions, included are the inspecting comments provided by National Committee for Arts and life Education of High School and related public opinions as well. By investigating and analyzing various data, I intend to see through the textbooks’ developmental and examining process, and compile related issues about Arts and life textbooks’ development. The research on the defining the position of Arts and life in high school education, through various interpretations of the curriculum guidelines from different perspectives and the wrestling forces in the formation of the textbooks and following issues, gradually induced the formation of the textbooks and the arguing issues. According to research, Arts and life was established as an optional course in Senior high school curriculum standards of the year 1995. Therefore, the textbooks had not been present until Arts and life was established as required course in general provisional guidelines for senior high school curriculum of the year 2006. After that, Arts and life textbooks grew out of nothing, and keep developing under the new policy of general guidelines for senior high school curriculum of the year 2009. During the evolving process of Arts and life textbooks, the development of textbooks is hardly stable because the policies of curriculum guidelines are constantly changing. Moreover, due to Arts and life’s new and rising quality, when related people discuss those issues involving interpretations for curriculum guidelines, editing experiences, examining principles, and publishing policies, many perplexities and doubts would arise and wait to be further understood and clarified. With so many uncertainties, it is rather difficult for the producing process of Arts and life textbooks to form a stable model. In the exploring stage, the conflicts within different dimensions have not been solved. Besides, the derived controversies of Arts and life textbooks which have developed until now is only the beginning, and this issue will continue provoking collision and confrontation in the future.en_US
dc.subjectArts and Life textbooksen_US
dc.subjectArts and Life in senior high schoolen_US
dc.subjectTextbook Compilation and Inspection processen_US
dc.subjectArt education in senior high schoolen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Formation and Emerging Issues toward High School Arts and Life Textbooks in Taiwanen_US

