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改編曲為十九世紀重要的樂種之一。大量的作曲家投入改編不同類型作品的工作,而李斯特被認為是此時期改編作曲家中的佼佼者。李斯特的鋼琴改編曲有三個目的,其一是為推廣部份他所欣賞及尊敬的作曲家的作品,如:巴赫的管風琴作品、貝多芬的交響曲…等。其二是為了音樂會所寫的表演曲目。李斯特使用一些有名或流行作品中的主題或片段,作為自已創作的素材,這類型的改編曲廣泛的在李斯特個人的鋼琴音樂會中演奏。其三則是為了展現並改進時下的鋼琴技巧。李斯特在改編作品中使用大量的困難技巧,包含:八度、音階、琶音、雙手交叉…等。 本論文將探討四種題材之李斯特鋼琴改編曲。首先,筆者將研究他的成長背景及他鋼琴音樂風格的養成。接著,筆者將介紹改編曲的發展並將其分門別類。最後筆者將以《帕格尼尼練習曲》、《聖母頌》、《獻詞》、《弄臣模擬曲》、《骷髏之舞》為例,分析藝術歌曲、歌劇、器樂及管弦樂改編曲,並深入探討樂曲的改編曲式、架構、和聲、織度、旋律、節奏、速度…等,並說明各曲的演奏方式。 李斯特擅於改編不同類型的作品,他的改編曲給予原曲全新的生命力。在他的多數作品中,展現在了高度的創造力及個人風格。
Transcription in nineteenth-century is considered an important genre. Numerous musicians had participated in transcribing different types of works. Franz Liszt is considered the most well-known and representative arranger in this time. His Piano transcriptions have three purposes. First of all, to promote a particular composers, who he respected and appreciated their works. Such as Bach’s organ pieces, Beethoven’s Symphonies. Second, to provide an attractive concert repertoire. Liszt took themes from famous and popular pieces, or used elegant melodies to be his composed materials, and then these works would played in his piano recitals. Finally, to show and advance piano techniques. Liszt used lots of difficult techniques in his transcriptions, including octave, sixth, scale, arpeggio, across hand… etc. This thesis will discuss 4 types of Liszt piano transcriptions. To start with, the author will investigate his life experiences and the formation of his piano musical style. Secondly, to introduce the development and classification of piano transcriptions. Thirdly, the author will analyzed 4 different types of transcriptions, such as lieder, opera, instrument and orchestra works, including Grandes études de Paganini, Ave Maria, Widmung, Paraphrase of Rigoletto, and Dance Macabre. To explain how he transcribe these works, the author will analyzed in terms of form, structure, harmony, texture, melody, rhythm, tempo… etc. Finally, the author will discuss interpretations in these works, such as piano technique, pedal, touch method, tempo, imitate the orchestra timbre… etc. Liszt was skilled in transcribing various types of music. He respected the original pieces, transcribing these pieces from original one, and gave different interpretations of original source material. In most works, he showed great creative and personal style.



李斯特, 改編曲

