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本研究旨在探究學校志工團隊學習,並以新北市「三重國小幸運草故事媽媽」為個案研究。研究目的如下: 一、探討學校故事媽媽團隊形成過程。 二、瞭解學校故事媽媽團隊學習的特性。 三、探究學校故事媽媽團隊學習的策略。 四、探究學校故事媽媽團隊學習的效益。 五、歸納研究發現與結論,提出具體建議,供相關單位作為學校志工團隊經營的參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採用質性研究方法,以立意取樣方式,選取6位故事媽媽,深入瞭解受訪者的服務經驗及參與歷程,並勾勒出三重國小幸運草故事媽媽團隊學習的歷程。經過半結構式訪談、參與觀察、文件分析,得到下列結論: 一、學校志工邁向志工團隊的過程,可以增進個人的成長、強化對學校的服務與貢獻、拓展志工組織的發展,以及增進與社區的連結。 二、團隊學習的特性展現出多元、非正式、非正規的學習方式。 三、團隊學習的策略可以是回應式的學習規劃。 四、團隊學習藉由內外部體系的運作,可以促進志工團隊整體的運作及發展。 五、女性學習特性可以凝聚團隊情感,促進團隊學習。 六、故事媽媽不再僅是以家庭、兒女為重心的傳統家庭主婦,而是成為關懷社會的志工,並且在此信念之下,她們的生活變得充實有意義。 本研究並針對學校單位、學校志工團隊、故事媽媽志工及後續研究等提出相關建議以供參考。
This study aimed to explore team learning of school’s volunteers, and the new Taipei "San-Chong Elementary Clover Storytelling mother” was selected as a case study. The Purposes of this study were as follows: 1. Exploring the formation process of the team of school Storytelling mother. 2. Understanding the characteristics of team learning of school Storytelling mother. 3. Exploring the strategy of team learning of school Storytelling mother. 4. Exploring the benefits of team learning of school Storytelling mother. 5. Summarizing findings and conclusions, and puting forward specific recommendations for the unit as a reference of school volunteer team management. The study adopted qualitative research methods and the techniques of semi-structured interview, participating observation, document analysis were used to collect data. The findings of the study were as follows: 1. The formation process of school volunteer team could enhance personal growth, service and contribution to the school, expand the volunteer organization's development, and improve links with the community. 2. The characteristics of team learning presented diverse, informal, and non-formal learning patterns. 3. The strategy of team learning was responsive learning plan. 4. By internal and external team learning networks, could contribute to the overall operation of the volunteer team and development. 5. Learning characteristics of women gather team feeling to promote team learning. 6. Storytelling mothers are no longer traditional housewife just focus families and children, but society- caring volunteers, and because of this belief, their life become enriched and meaningful. In the proposed part, the researcher makes a few suggestions for reference to school units, school volunteer team, Storytelling mother volunteer and follow-up study.



團隊學習, 學校志工, 故事媽媽, team learning, school volunteer, Storytelling mother





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