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由於社會發展多元,科技進展快速,政府往往基於成本與效率的考慮,將部分業務委外,在政府採購法於88年5月27日正式實施以來,該法針對政府機關、公立學校與公營事業之財物、勞務與工程之採購行為,從招標、決標、履約管理、驗收、異議申訴等措施加以規範,具有實體法、程序法、救濟法等功能,政府各機關辦理採購之過程,較以往更為公開、公正,提升了政府採購效率與品質,真正落實採購法。政府業務在現代逐漸膨脹,如何維持小而精的政府以促進行政效率,又如何維持行政之優質性,政府業務委外或許是一個新契機,政府業務委外也受到政府採購法的規範,亦使得業務委外與政府採購法發生直接的關係。 政府採購法應是藉採購為手段,促成公益為目的,以營造政府與民間雙贏局面。為使公立大學業務委外能更有效率、更高品質及更節省成本之方式來推動,可縮減公立學校組織規模與責任,以節省公帑,透過業務委外交由民間企業經營,可提振國內景氣,創造就業機會,減少失業人口,只要民間有能力承接的業務,都可以委外經營。建立小而美的政府已經是全球發展的趨勢,政府瘦身與再造的工程,提昇行政效率及精簡人力,將是政府組織改造的目標。 由於政府採購法已經正式實施,所有公立大學的業務委外都可能會符合政府採購法的要求,而必須適用政府採購法的規定。因此本研究探討我國政府採購法的相關規範重點,並就其與業務委外之關係加以說明,以招標制度之推動為研究主軸,以國內外相關文獻、國內執行最有利標相關之法令規章、相關單位執行案例以及實務訪談有關專家學者為研究內容。其研究之目的包括有: 1.公立大學規劃業務委外應注意事項。 2.業務委外對於公立大學的實益。3.影響業務委外成功關鍵因素為何。 4.公立大學已辦理業務委外及效益。 5.公立大學業務委外招標機制。 6.公大立學應如何妥善運用業務委外策略,以節省經費並提昇服務品質。本研究目的係以業務委外招標機制作為討論核心,並試圖解決以上問題。
Due to rapid technological advancements and social evolutions, the government often partially outsourcing its business operations to the private sector based on cost and efficiency considerations. Since (Taiwanese) Government Procurement Law was established on May 27, 1999, all procurement transactions initiated by governmental agencies, public school, or public services are strictly under its oversight. Ranging from tendering procedures, contract execution, certification management, and qualification to dispute appeals, the Procurement Law integrates the functionality of Substantive law, Procedural Law and Relief Law. As the result, the process of procurement from the governmental agency is becoming more open and fair with higher efficiency and quality. Since the scope of governmental operations increases consistently, business outsourcing may very well be the solution to maintain governmental effectiveness and productivity. In order to reach the point of mutual benefits between the government and the public, the governmental procurement law should utilize the procurement process as a method, and public interest as the goal. Promoting public universities business outsourcing to achieve efficiency and quality can result in a reduced-scale public school model and sizable cost reduction. Furthermore, the business outsourcing can boost the economy, create job opportunities, and reduce unemployment rate for the private sector. As long as the private sector isup to the task, all governmental administrative operations can be outsourced. Building a leaner government has been a global trend, and to develop further operational excellence, and higher productivity will continue to be the goal that all governmental organizations seek after. Since the governmental procurement law is already in effect, all universities business outsourcing processes should comply with the procurement law, if it is not already. Therefore, this research discusses the highlights of the governmental procurement law of Taiwan, Republic of China and its connection to business outsourcing. The research will be centered on the tendering processes while presenting domestic/international papers, clauses from the most advantageous tender law, case studies, and expert interviews. The objectives of this research are the following: 1.Planning of public universities business outsourcing. 2.Business outsourcing benefits to public universities. 3.Essentials for successful business outsourcing. 4.Existing business outsourcing by public universities and noted benefits. 5.Public universities tendering process. 6.How public universities should manage outsourcing strategy to achieve cost reduction and operational excellence.



委外, 最有利標, 異質, 採購, outsourcing, most advantageous tende, different quality, procurement





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