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本研究旨在探討中學輔導教師對專業知識、專業技能、專業態度等專業職能向度之重要程度與個人符合程度之知覺情形。本研究採問卷調查法,研究工具係以ASCA「輔導教師職能標準」為藍本進行翻譯,並募集兩次焦點團體,以符合國情為前提,逐條討論並將譯名加以修改,以增加該職能在國內校園的可行性。最後設計成問卷形式進行預試,命名為「專業職能問卷」。本研究以臺灣北部地區之中學輔導教師為研究對象,經預試選題後發出正式問卷,最後回收614份有效問卷。並以t考驗、雙變數相關分析、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析及逐步迴歸等方式進行統計分析,並得出研究結果如下: 一、北區中學輔導教師對以ASCA「輔導教師職能」標準為藍本所設計的專業 職能各向度之重要程度有中高程度以上的認可。 二、除了非輔導科系畢業的高中輔導教師外,其他不同年齡、性別、最高學歷 、最高學歷畢業系所、職稱、學校性質、學校規模的中學輔導教師對專業 職能各向度重要程度的知覺皆無顯著差異。 三、專業技能的重要程度與重要程度總分的相關最高,亦最能有效對其進行預 測。 四、北區中學輔導教師對以ASCA「輔導教師職能」標準為藍本所設計的專業 職能各向度有中等程度以上的符合程度。 五、除不同性別對專業知識、專業態度的知覺,及不同學校規模對專業態度的 知覺未達顯著外,其他不同年齡、最高學歷、最高學歷畢業系所、職稱、 學校類別、學校性質的的中學輔導教師對專業職能各向度個人符合程度的 知覺皆有顯著不同。 六、專業技能的個人符合程度與個人符合程度總分的相關最高,亦最能有效對 其進行預測。 七、輔導教師在專業職能各向度所知覺到的重要程度與個人符合程度皆有顯著 落差,其中對個人符合程度的知覺顯著低於對重要程度的知覺。 最後,本研究對中學輔導教師、師資培育機構、教育主管機關及未來研究方向提出數點建議,以供參考。
The purpose of the study was to explore the perceived degree of importance and correspondence of professional competency consisting of following dimensions: knowledge, skills and attitudes among secondary school counselors. A questionnaire survey was employed, and the Scale of the Professional Competency was constructed as tools for pretest, which translated School Counselor Competencies of ASCA into Chinese, held two focus group interviews, and also polished the terms for better practicability. Participants in the study were school counselors who worked in secondary school in the northern part of Taiwan. In formal test, a total of 614 valid questionnaires were received. Data were analyzed by using T-test, Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and multiple linear regression methods. Main findings of this research were listed as below: 1. Secondary school counselors on average showed a middle- high level of recognition toward the perceived degree of importance of three dimensions described in the Scale of the Professional Competency which was based on School Counselor Competencies of ASCA. 2. Secondary school counselors with different age, gender, educational degree, majors, job title, school category and school size showed no significant differences in the perceived level of importance of professional competency, except for those who were non-guidance major. 3. There was a highest level of correlation between the perceived degree of importance of professional skills and the sum of the importance degree; also, the latter could effectively predict the former. 4. Secondary school counselors on average showed a middle level of recognition toward the perceived degree of correspondence of three dimensions described in the Scale of the Professional Competency which was based on School Counselor Competencies of ASCA. 5. Significant differences were found on the perceived degree of correspondence of professional competency among secondary school counselors of diverse age, educational degree, majors, job title, school category and school size. On the contrary, secondary school counselors with different gender showed no significant differences in professional knowledge and attitudes; school counselors with different school size had no differences in professional attitudes either. 6. There was a highest level of correlation between the perceived degree of correspondence of professional skills and the sum of the correspondence degree; furthermore, the latter could effectively predict the former. 7. Significant differences were found on the discrepancies between the perceived level of importance and correspondence among secondary school counselors. Especially, the perception of correspondence degree was lower than that of importance degree. Finally, based on the results, suggestions were made for secondary school counselors, counselor training institutes, supervisors, and for future research as well.



中學輔導教師, 專業職能, 學校輔導計畫, professional competency, school counseling programs, secondary school counselors





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