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研 究 生:王伯華
本論著研究,旨在瞭解國際及我國排球運動的起源、發展,探討排球運動規則與技、戰的演進。根據本論文的研究架構,是綜合採文獻分析邏輯對比及歷史研究法,將蒐集之相關文獻、資料加以考證、分析、歸納、整合與詮釋。並在各章節中論述,將所得研究結果,做通盤性之整合處理,最後做成結論,以供日後有志研究者參考。國際排球總會,主席魯本.阿科斯塔(Ruben.Acosta)曾言:「要使排球運動,成為世界第一大體育運動。推動排球運動在二十一世紀成為主要競技運動而努力」(黃德壽,民88)。國際排球運動蓬勃發展,各大精彩賽事不斷上演,然平心而論;以我國現有整體排球實力,我們可以跟上國際排球競賽水準提昇的速度嗎?我們有資格參與的比賽有那些?工欲善其事,必先利其器,欲使一支球隊想要在當今排壇佔有一席之地,除了依靠科學化的訓練之外,還應明瞭現代排球運動當今與未來發展趨勢;無論是技術、戰術乃至歷史演變情況。綜觀現今國際排球運動強權諸國家,都具有以下幾項特點—戰術靈活多變、具有球員身高突出與球網上空優勢、全攻全守的完美技術, 並亦應熟知規則,掌握規則修訂的背景與精神。進而善用規則,然後發展出適合我國排壇球隊本身的獨特技、戰術,方能登上世界排球強權之列,是為研究主要動機。
關鍵字 排球、技術、戰術
The research of International Volleyball rules and The development of Skills and Tactics from -1947~2004 ABSREACT The thesis tries to realize the source and development of the volleyball in Taiwan and foreign countries. The research uses documents analysis and history analysis to collect correlated information. To get an overall conclusion,the information is analysed,tested and put in order.Hope the research conclusion can provide the researchers with useful reference.The lesder of international volleyball association,Ruben.Acosta, said”Make the volleyball exercise become the greatest exercise.Working hard on pushing the volleyball exercise becomes the major exercise.” The international volleyball exercise has developed very well,and we also notice many excellent games. But can we catch up the level of international volleyball game? What kinds of games do we have the qualifications to join in? We need scientific trainings and understand the development tendency of the volleyball in the future to make the ball team play an important role in the volleyball world. We should also know well about the rules and master in the background and spirit of rules revise. And then use the rules well and develop the unique skills which are suitable to our volleyball team. Only by doing so, can we become the best volleyball team in the world. And that is what the major research motive is.
The research of International Volleyball rules and The development of Skills and Tactics from -1947~2004 ABSREACT The thesis tries to realize the source and development of the volleyball in Taiwan and foreign countries. The research uses documents analysis and history analysis to collect correlated information. To get an overall conclusion,the information is analysed,tested and put in order.Hope the research conclusion can provide the researchers with useful reference.The lesder of international volleyball association,Ruben.Acosta, said”Make the volleyball exercise become the greatest exercise.Working hard on pushing the volleyball exercise becomes the major exercise.” The international volleyball exercise has developed very well,and we also notice many excellent games. But can we catch up the level of international volleyball game? What kinds of games do we have the qualifications to join in? We need scientific trainings and understand the development tendency of the volleyball in the future to make the ball team play an important role in the volleyball world. We should also know well about the rules and master in the background and spirit of rules revise. And then use the rules well and develop the unique skills which are suitable to our volleyball team. Only by doing so, can we become the best volleyball team in the world. And that is what the major research motive is.
排球, 技術, 戰術, valleyball, skill, tactic