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本研究旨在探討高屏區大專院校軍訓教官生涯規劃之情形,藉由研究者自編的「高屏區大專院校軍訓教官生涯規劃之研究」調查問卷,分別就生涯規劃認知與生涯規劃行為等層面,施以問卷調查。 研究對象為高屏區18 所公、私立大專院校所屬的全體軍訓教官採立意抽樣進行調查研究,正式問卷共發出80 份,回收78 份,回收率97.5%,有效問卷77 份,問卷可用率98.7%,經過分析統計分析,獲得以下結論: 一、高屏區各大專院校軍訓教官整體生涯規劃情形良好,其中又以「生涯規劃工作承諾」為最好。 二、高屏區各大專院校軍訓教官對生涯規劃以「我會努力表現,以滿足團隊的需求」,獲最高認同。 三、高屏區各大專院校軍訓教官生涯規劃因背景變項不同,而呈現差異情形: (一) 在性別方面,「生涯規劃工作知覺」構面上,男性軍訓教官顯著高於女性軍訓教官。 (二) 在婚姻方面,「生涯規劃工作承諾」、「生涯規劃計畫行為」的兩個構面上,已婚軍訓教官生涯規劃顯著高於未婚軍訓教官。 (三)在年齡、眷住地、軍事學歷、軍階、職務性質、家庭收入、工作年資、作時間及休假時間等其他變項,均無明顯差異。 四、高屏區各大專院校軍訓教官生涯規劃認知與生涯規劃行為間均存在顯著正相關。 依據研究發現與結論,對主管教育行政機關、高屏區大專院校現職教官及未來研究,分別提出建議事項。 一、對於主管教育行政機關的建議: (一)訂出明確政策,協助軍訓教官做好生涯規劃。 (二)立法保障軍訓教官的任教資格。 (三)建立合理工時,鼓勵軍訓教官士氣。 二、對於高屏區大專院校現職教官的建議: (一)軍訓教官應建立良好的人際關係。 (二)軍訓教官應為轉業做好準備,以利生涯規劃。 (三)軍訓教官應重視階級晉升及職務歷練,以達成下一個晉升目標。 (四)經營家庭、穩固婚姻創造美好的彩色人生。 三、對未來研究的建議: (一)研究方法方面:未來研究能輔以質性研究方法。 (二)研究變項方面:應做周全且深入分類。 (三)研究對象方面:擴及全國大專院校教官,甚至高中職教官。
The main purpose of this study focuses primarily on discussing and analyzing the Career-Planning of Military-Education (M.E.) Instructors of Colleges at the Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung areas. Questionnaire survey was used to investigate and gather the cognition and behavior of these related instructors in their career planning. The subjects purposively sample from all M.E. instructors from 18 state and private colleges at the Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung areas in Taiwan. In this study, 80 survey lists have been released, 78 of them are retrieved, resulting to a 97.5% retrieving rate. Among these 78 retrieved survey lists, 77 of them are effective after identifying. Therefore, the reliability of the survey is 98.7%. Besides, these effective survey lists are statistically analyzed by SPSS, including frequency analysis, mean and standard deviation, and then examined with t-test or one-way ANOVA , and co-relation. Based on the data, the following conclusions can be made: 1. Most M.E. instructors of colleges at Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung work well in career planning, especially at the work-commitment of career planning dimension. 2. In terms of career planning, it’s most recognized by M.E. instructors of colleges at Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung that they shall do their best so as to meet the demands of the team. 3. Due to various backgrounds of M.E. instructors of colleges at Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung, the differences in career planning can be shown as follows: (1) In Gender, male M.E. instructors are apparently performing better than female ones at the awareness of career planning dimension. (2) In Marriage, for at the work commitment of career planning and plan-action of career planning dimensions, the married M.E. instructors are obviously executing better than those unmarried. (3) In other variables, such as age, location of spouse residence, military qualifications, rank, job nature, family income, work experience, working hours and vacation time show no significant difference. 4. A highly positive co-relation exists between “cognition of career planning” and “plan-action of career planning” for M.E. instructors of colleges in Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung work. Consequently, according to the findings and conclusions mentioned above, several suggestions are recommended. 1. To the related authorities: (1)To make clear policies to help M.E. instructors while doing their career planning. (2)To legislate the qualification requirements of M.E. instructors. (3)To regulate reasonable working-hours for M.E. instructors as to encourage them. 2. To M.E. instructors : (1)To establish good personal relationship with their colleague. (2)To prepare well before any possible instant job transfer when making career planning. (3)To take a serious consideration in becoming qualified and absorbing experience while carrying on individual job in order to get promotion. (4)To build up their own wonderful life by keeping a harmonic family and solid marriage. 3. To the further study: (1)The approach of qualitative research may be used. (2)The variables of this study shall be inquired further. (3)The surveyed subjects may be enlarged to M.E. instructors in all areas of Taiwan, or to those who worked at high schools.



軍訓教官, 生涯規劃, 大專, 高屏區, Military-Education Instructors, Career-Planning, Kaohsiung and Ping-Tung





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