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  地理學的性質兼具自然與社會科,學科內容豐富,教材結構複雜,容易造成學生在學習時流於名詞的背誦與堆砌,出現片面的解釋或無法完整瞭解主題等問題,忽略了學科本身「概念的綜合性」。 許多研究都肯定,概念構圖在教學與評量上是十分有效的學習方式,本研究在透過文獻探討後,則是希望能夠理解以下的幾項問題: 一、 使用概念構圖教學及評量方式,紀錄一般學生及高成就學生在布魯姆認知歷程向度的達成情況。 二、 使用概念構圖教學及評量方式,比較一般學生與高成就學生在布魯姆認知歷程向度的達成情況。 三、 瞭解教師使用概念構圖式的教學可能遭遇的問題及解決途徑。   本研究先介紹概念圖的基本概念及應用方法,並參考布魯姆教育目標分類的認知歷程向度分類,建立教學策略。接著再以澎湖縣馬公國中九年級共三班學生,計104人實施教學,將學生劃分出「高成就學生」,及「一般學生」進行教學與成果分析,最後則以課堂紀錄、問卷調查及個別訪談蒐集進一步的資料。   研究結果發現,在「閱讀概念圖」的部份,兩組學生均可以達到記憶、瞭解、應用、分析四個層次,但高成就學生達成比率比較高;在「繪製概念圖」的部分,高成就學生能達到較高層次的分析認知歷程向度,且達成率亦較高,但一般學生僅能達到應用的認知歷程向度,教師可依此結果進行因材施教的教學設計。 在教學現場,教師與學生同時都遭遇到「構圖素養不足」與「授課及學習時間不足」的問題。針對「構圖素養不足」,教師可以透過進修增加素養,學生則以分組合作構圖來嘗試解決;針對「授課及學習時間不足」,教師可利用資訊媒介來協助克服,學生則可以提早至七年級開始學習構圖方法,培養獨立構圖的能力。
  The nature of geography contains both physical and social sciences. The richness of the content and the complexity of the construction may cause students to learn the subject only by memorizing lots of terms, leading to superficial understanding and ignorance of the overall concept of the subject.   Many researches confirm the benefits of using concept mapping in teaching and evaluation. Through extensive exploration, this study tries to solve the following problems: 1. Record the average and high-achievement students’ achievement of cognitive process dimension in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective through concept mapping pedagogy and evaluation. 2. Compare the average students’ achievement of cognitive process dimension in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective with high-achievement students through concept mapping pedagogy and evaluation. 3. Detect the potential difficulties and the problem-solving approach in concept mapping pedagogy.   First, the study introduces the basic concept and the application method of concept mapping and then helps to develop teaching strategies by consulting the cognitive process dimension in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective. Second, The pedagogy was applied to three classes, a total of 104 students in the ninth grade, in Makung Junior High School, classified into two groups, “average students” and “high-achievement students.” The result was analyzed according to the performance. At last, further information was collected by means of class records, questionnaire and individual interviews. The results of this study include three parts: 1. In the part of “concept-map reading”, two groups can both achieve four cognitive processes , which are remember, understand , apply and analyze, in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective. However, the high-achievement students display higher competence. 2. In the part of “concept-map drawing”, the high-achievement students can achieve higher cognitive process, which is analyse, in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective and also display higher competence. But the average students can only achieve the lower cognitive process, which is apply, in Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective. As a result , a teacher could design studies according to students’ aptitude. 3. Both students and teachers encounter the problems of “inadequate attainments of concept mapping” and “the lack of time.” For the first problem, the teacher can improve the situation by further studies while students can make it through group cooperation. For the second one, the teacher can overcome the difficulty with the assistance of computers while students can start to learn concept-map drawing ahead of time in the seventh grade to train the ability of concept-map drawing.



概念構圖, 布魯姆教育目標分類, 認知歷程向度, 一般學生, 高成就學生, concept mapping, Bloom’s taxonomy of education objective, cognitive process dimension, average student, high-achievement student

