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南管音階以五聲音階為基礎,但是部分管門有大七度音程,而且二個音擁有同一個名稱,如五空管的乂和,四空管的六和、和等。換句話說,其被認為是同一個音。其他樂種很少有這種現象。 筆者借用了古琴音樂等中國古代音樂的「均」之概念。雖然不能獲得直接的答案,但是分析這些大七度在實際樂曲裡的運用時,也有很大的幫助。 為了詮譯上述大七度問題,筆者亦試圖在中國以外的傳統音樂中尋找類似的用法。當初以為日本雅樂等比較有系統的樂種可能亦有大七度的問題,但最後找到的卻是日本民歌。 本論文所界定的範圍,是以南管的音階結構、「管門」及大七度問題為主。為了進一步討論大七度問題,並將南管與含有大七度的日本民歌進行比較分析。研究方法以「均」此一概念為主,試圖探討上述問題。
A kind of Chinese traditional music Nan-guan (南管) is disseminated in Fu-jian (福建) Province in China and Taiwan, Philippine, and Malaysia in which overseas Chinese from Fu-jian reside. Although a considerable amount of researches have been made on Nan-guan, the scale system remains almost untouched. Former researches described the scale system of Nan-guan only in their native ways, and it was classified into four types by Guan-men (管門) . In reference to Chinese music theory (especially of the Gu-qin (古琴) music) , Western musicology and the writer’s experience of studying Nan-guan for 3 years, the writer try to examine and classify Guan-men. First of all, the writer examined Chinese word diao (調) which is usually used in meaning of tonos, key, mode, melody and so on, thus the writer clarify diao in aspect of scale system; diao should be divided in tonos, key and mode, and hypothesize guan-men of Nan-guan is equivalent to tonos. Secondly, the author analyzed the tonos, key and mode of each guan-men and figure out the amount and percentage. As a result of analysis, three types of guan-men: si-kong-guan (四空管), wu-liu-si-cei-guan (五六四管) and bei-si-guan (倍士管) correspond to one tonos respectively. The rest, wu-kong-guan (五空管) contrary would be divided into three kinds of tonos. The scale of Nan-guan is generally based on pentatonic (do re mi sol la), but in two guan-men, wu-kong-guan and si-kong-guan, do in certain pitch descend minor second and is replaced with si and comprises major seventh with lower do. In these two guan-men, there are two sets of major seventh each, at G3-#F4 and C4-B4 in wu-kong-guan, and F4-E5 and C5-B5 in si-kong-guan. Former researches have not tried to explain these phenomena but merely indicate. With reference to melodic structure of Japanese folk song that similarly include major seventh in the scale, it can be explained by the assumption that scale of Nan-guan has fifth-unit in addition to usual octave-unit as units of scale system.



南管, 音階結構, , 調, 調式, 大七度, 音階, nan-guan, scale system, tonos, key, mode, major seventh, scale





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