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本計畫以張炎《山中白雲詞》書寫有關「家園意識」的詞作作為研究對象。 主要分析地域空間轉換的外在經歷過程,對其內在生命與其詞作產生的影響,特 別是「家園意識」在不同時期所凸顯的蘊涵。本計畫將從不同的視角分析文本: 仔細追索張炎詞作中的「家園意識」,在杭州「世居之地」與異鄉「棲居之地」 的建構經過與層面;觀照家園與張炎生命存有之間的辯證關係;檢視藉由「精神 家園」的重構,其安頓自我生命的獨特方式;釐析其「家園意識」所彰顯的「場 所精神」與「地方感」。張炎是宋元之際詞壇的大家,其個人透過詞作與詞論所 揭示的情懷、生命觀、文學見解、與文學活動,深刻影響同時代的作家,故而其 間亦將觸及張炎與時人交游的詞學活動,擬以張炎詞作實踐的全景,審視十三世 紀末至十四世紀初,宋元之際遺民詞人描繪、記憶、想像、夢想的家園意象與樣 態,表徵的情感方式與思維特質。此外,張炎亦牽引後世詞人對「家園」主題書 寫的表現方式,特別是清代浙派詞人,奉張炎之詞為圭臬,彼等在推崇張炎詞作 與詞論的同時,另有同為異族統治下的文人,選擇藉由「詞」此一體裁的書寫, 對家園意識的精神建構,鄉土認同的意識強化,以逆轉現實的困境,並進而挺立 生命在政治之外的價值與意義。故本文將考察在宋元時代裂變之際,詞學發展整 體趨向的研究視角下,張炎詞作所融滲的各方面歷史文化因素,以及深入張炎詞 作的核心,試圖剝開其依違於仕隱之間,最終選擇離開,漂泊江湖,最後回歸故 地重建「恆定家園」的心路歷程。本計畫企望藉由上述議題之探討,突破傳統對 家園主題偏向靜態的分析,從共時性與歷時性,與因地域流動而產生豐富延意的 視角,深刻反省「家園意識」此一概念在詞史中的意義,作為提供觀察宋元之際 詞學內涵一個重要的路徑,並為張炎詞作的研究擘開一個嶄新的視野。
The project plans to focus on the Homeland Consciousness of Ci in “White Clouds in the Mount Ci”(《山中白雲詞》) of Zhang Yen. It analyzes mainly the effects of external change of places on his inner life and Ci writing, especially the homeland consciousness revealed therein. Since Zhang Yen is a prominent Ci author during the Sung—Yuen period, and many later Ci writers imitate him ,especially in the Manchurian-ruled Qing dynasty, therefore this project will investigate the relationships between the homeland consciousness and it cultural — political implications in Zhang Yen’s Ci and similar phenomena in later Ci writers.The project will deal with the man and his work:how Zhang Yen identifies himself during the Mongolian-ruled Yuen period, to serve as an official or not, how his homeland consciousness pulls him back to his homeland and the interactions between the intellectuals at that time and the local literature tradition from such interactions. Since Zhang Yen is a prominent Ci author, his influences are great, therefore a study of his Ci and the consciousness of regional migration within it will reveal much about his worldview and climate of opinions among intellectuals at that time, and the characteristics of the homeland Consciousness of Ci at Sung—Yuen transitional period. The study should be fruitful and rewarding.



