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本研究旨在瞭解臺北市普通高中升學輔導實施現況及實施困境。主要研究目的如下:一、瞭解臺北市高中的升學輔導實施現況。二、探討不同背景變項的高中實施升學輔導現況之差異。三、瞭解臺北市高中升學輔導的實施困境。四、探討不同背景變項的高中,覺知實施各項升學輔導工作的困境差異。五、探討臺北市高中學校升學輔導「實施現況」與「實施困境」之相關情形。 為達上述研究目的,本研究以自編之「臺北市高中升學輔導實施之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,以臺北市之普通高級中學103學年度教務行政人員、輔導教師、高三導師為研究對象,共計發554份正式問卷,回收有效問卷381份,有效問卷回收率約為68.77%。 問卷資料以統計軟體SPSS22.0 for windows進行統計分析,採用描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析與皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法進行分析。 根據上述文獻探討與問卷資料分析結果,茲將研究結論歸納如下: 一、臺北市高中學校教師升學輔導工作實踐程度良好 二、普通高中、公立學校、班級數大於16班之學校、以及生涯規劃課程開設總學分數較少的學校教師,知覺學校在升學輔導工作的實踐程度較高。 三、臺北市高中學校教師知覺升學輔導因教師專業上的限制、學校課程開設狀況及家長的影響而遭遇困境 四、學校類型為綜合高中與兩者兼具之高中(普通高中+綜合高中)、私立學校、學校規模在15班以下者、以及輔導教師知覺學校升學輔導遭遇較大的困境。 五、學校的組織整合及課程開設狀況愈佳,升學輔導的實踐程度愈高。 依據上述研究結論,分別針對教育行政機關、高中學校與未來相關研究提出參考建議。
This study was conducted in hopes to understand the current situations and predicaments of the Academic Guidance Implementation in Taipei Senior High Schools. The main research points are as follows: 1. To understand the current situations of the Academic Guidance Implementation in Taipei Senior High Schools.. 2. To investigate the differences of the current situation of the the Academic Guidance Implementation in Taipei Senior High Schools of different backgrounds. 3. To understand the predicaments of the the Academic Guidance in Taipei Senior High Schools. 4. To investigate the differences of the predicaments of the Academic Guidance in Taipei Senior High Schools of different backgrounds. 5. To investigate the relations between the current situations and the predicaments of the Academic Guidance in Taipei Senior High Schools.. To fullfill the research for this study, “A Study of the Academic Guidance Implementation in Taipei Senior High Schools” was used. It was targeted towards Taipei Senior High School Academic Administration Staff, Teacher Counselors, and Homeroom Teachers of Seniors in 2014. A total of 554 Academic Administration Staff, Teacher Counselors, and Homeroom Teachers of Seniors were surveyed and 381 responded for an overall response rate of 68.77%. The research results were analyzed by Statistics software SPSS 22.0 for Windows. The analysis utilized statistical methods such as: descriptive statistics, T-Tests, One-way Analysis of Variance, and Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation Coefficient. According to the results of the discussed study and data analysis, the research conclusion is as listed: 1. Taipei Senior High School Teachers have above average performances of the implementation of academic guidance. 2. The current situations of Taipei Senior High School Teachers’ implementation of entrance’s guidance differ by factors such as: school type, school character, school size, and the overall credits of career planning course. 3. Taipei Senior High School Teachers perceived the predicaments they experienced due to the limitations of teacher profession, the opening of school courses, and the influence of parents. 4. The difficulties situations of Taipei Senior High School Teachers’ predicaments of academic guidance differ by factors such as: school type, school character, school size, and teacher’s duties. 5. Of the the Academic Guidance Implementation in Taipei Senior High Schools, the current situations are modestly negatively related to the predicaments. With the above results recommendations are given as reference to education administation authority, senior high schools, and future related studies.



大學多元入學, 升學輔導實施現況, 升學輔導實施困境, Multi-route Promotion Program for College-bound Seniors, the current situations of the academic guidance, the predicaments of the academic guidance





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