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本論文應用健康信念模式探討台北市立聯合醫院某院區護理人員泌尿 道感染預防行為之相關因素,以台北市聯合醫院某區域醫院之全體護理人 員為研究對象,進行問卷調查,得有效樣本305 名,資料分析結果如下: 一、研究對象的自覺泌尿道感染罹患性傾向於「可能」,自覺泌尿道感染嚴 重性傾向於「嚴重」,預防泌尿道感染行動利益及預防泌尿道感染行動障礙 傾向於「同意」;「預防泌尿道感染行動線索」以「我有閱讀過泌尿道感染 的衛教單張、手冊」為資訊來源;預防泌尿道感染自我效能傾向於「中立 意見」。整體而言,研究對象採取泌尿道感染預防行為較為積極。 二、社會人口學變項對健康信念的影響,「預防泌尿道感染行動利益性」會 因護理人員的「年齡」、「護理總年資」不同而有顯著不同;「護理總年資」 與「預防泌尿道感染行動利益」成正相關。 三、研究對象「預防泌尿道感染行動利益性」及「自我效能」越高,而在 「自覺泌尿道感染罹患性」與「預防泌尿道感染行動障礙性」越低者,則 採取泌尿道感染預防行為的機率越高。 四、健康信念變項與自我效能等變項來預測研究 對象「泌尿道感染預防行 為」時,可解釋總變異量的96%,其中預防泌尿道感染自我效能」是主要 的變項。
This research applies the Health Belief Model and explores the related factors for preventive behavior against urinary tract infection among nurses in a branch of Taipei City Hospital. A total of 320 nurses were invited to enroll in the study and to fill out a questionnaire. We received 305 valid questionnaires. The results of this research were as follows: 1.The health beliefs of participants for “perceived susceptibility”toward “possibility”; in “perceived seriousness” toward “seriously”; and in “perceived benefits”and “perceived barriers” toward “agree”. Action clues for urinary tract infection prevention include health education pamphlets and manuals, among others. There was a medium degree of self-efficacy for the adoption of urinary tract infection preventive behavior. In general, participants presented ideal urinary tract infection preventive behavior. 2.Demographic variables were significantly correlatedto health beliefs. Age and number of working years were positively and significantly correlated to “perceived benefits”. 3.3.Higher mean scores for “self awareness of the benefits” and “self-efficacy” for urinary tract infection prevention meant more urinary tract infection preventive behaviors. The lower mean scores for “self awareness of perceived susceptibility”and “self awareness of perceived barriers”, the more urinary tract infection preventive behaviors. 4.Self-efficacy was a significant predictor of urinary tract infection preventiv behaviors. R2 explains why the total variance of urinary tract infection preventive behaviors was 96.0%.



自我效能, 泌尿道感染預防行為, 健康信念模式, 護理人員, Self-efficacy, Preventive behaviors of urinary tract infection, Health Belief Model, Nurse





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