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本研究旨在瞭解國內研究所新生定向輔導實施的情形,並採用調查研究法,以研究者參考相關研究與量表而自編的「研究所新生輔導需求與滿意度問卷」為研究工具,對全國九十八學年度入學就讀於一般大學校院(不含警察大學、空中大學、科技大學與技術學院)的研究所日間部碩士班一年級新生(不含在職進修專班)進行施測。問卷內容包括兩部分,第一部分為個人基本資料;第二部分為「研究所碩士班新生輔導需求與滿意度量表」,得分愈高,代表需求與滿意度愈高。以重要-表現程度分析法的二維座標圖來分析需求與滿意度的關係,進而檢視新生定向輔導的服務品質。所得資料以描述性統計、 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、重要-表現程度分析法等統計方法進行處理分析,得到以下結論:
The Purpose of this study was to understand the situation of orientation programs held for new graduate students. The method of this study is survey research, and the instrument used in this study is “Questionnaire of needs and satisfaction for orientation programs for new graduate students”. The questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part one is related to background information. Part two are related to the score of needs and satisfaction for orientation programs for new master students in graduate school . The statistical methods include descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Importance-Performance Analysis. Following conclusions are drawn from this study: 1. New graduate students think “ Academic” is the most needed category of orientation programs, followed by ”Career”, and ”Life”. 2. New graduate students think “ Academic” is the most satisfied category of orientation programs, followed by ” Life”, and ” Career”. 3. Some individual variables, including “Age”, “Gender”, “School”, “Major”, “Identity”, “Economical source”, and ”Work experience” affect needs for orientation programs for new graduate students. 4. Some individual variables, including “Age”, “Gender”, “School”, “Major”, “Identity”, ”Work experience”, “University and research institute whether to go study with the school”, and “The university goes study the branch is and between the research relations” affect satisfaction for orientation programs for new graduate students. 5.Using “Importance-Performance Analysis” to view the service quality of orientation programs held for new graduate students. The service quality of academic orientation programs is tended to “keep up the good work”, the service quality of life orientation programs is tended to “low priority”, and the service quality of career orientation programs is tended to “concentrate here”. This study offers suggestions to the administrative authorities, universitues and colleges, branch departments and graduate schools. It also gives directions for future studies.
The Purpose of this study was to understand the situation of orientation programs held for new graduate students. The method of this study is survey research, and the instrument used in this study is “Questionnaire of needs and satisfaction for orientation programs for new graduate students”. The questionnaire is divided into two parts. Part one is related to background information. Part two are related to the score of needs and satisfaction for orientation programs for new master students in graduate school . The statistical methods include descriptive statistic, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Importance-Performance Analysis. Following conclusions are drawn from this study: 1. New graduate students think “ Academic” is the most needed category of orientation programs, followed by ”Career”, and ”Life”. 2. New graduate students think “ Academic” is the most satisfied category of orientation programs, followed by ” Life”, and ” Career”. 3. Some individual variables, including “Age”, “Gender”, “School”, “Major”, “Identity”, “Economical source”, and ”Work experience” affect needs for orientation programs for new graduate students. 4. Some individual variables, including “Age”, “Gender”, “School”, “Major”, “Identity”, ”Work experience”, “University and research institute whether to go study with the school”, and “The university goes study the branch is and between the research relations” affect satisfaction for orientation programs for new graduate students. 5.Using “Importance-Performance Analysis” to view the service quality of orientation programs held for new graduate students. The service quality of academic orientation programs is tended to “keep up the good work”, the service quality of life orientation programs is tended to “low priority”, and the service quality of career orientation programs is tended to “concentrate here”. This study offers suggestions to the administrative authorities, universitues and colleges, branch departments and graduate schools. It also gives directions for future studies.
研究所新生, 定向輔導, 需求, 滿意度, 服務品質, new graduate student, orientation programs, need, satisfaction, service quality