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本研究旨在探討澳洲師資培育之理念及其發展,透過相關文獻與文件,分析澳洲的國家發展、教育脈絡、師資培育理念,以及教育現況。期盼釐清其師資培育之理念與發展,藉此為臺灣師資培育發展提供參考。本研究發現澳洲師資培育制度富含多元與實作的精神,其主要原因在於:一、 澳洲的國家發展、教育宣言,及教育政策注重多元與實作經驗二、 澳洲師資培育制度的發展消弭了理論與實務的落差三、 澳洲師資培育的重點在於培育具多元主義與實作能力之教師四、 澳洲師資培育理念在於實現平等與多元的願景五、 澳洲藉由教師專業標準促使教師成為終身學習之教師六、 澳洲師資培育理念融合了經驗主義與實驗主義以形塑多元與實作的精神根據前述結論,研究者提出四點對於未來臺灣師資培育之建議:一、 臺灣的師資培育政策應與國家發展和教育願景保持一致二、 有關當局應在師資培育的過程中將實作的精神融入三、 臺灣的師資培育課程應培育具多元課程規劃與實踐之人才四、 有關當局應訂立具階段性的教師專業標準,藉以引導教師終身學習
This research was aimed to explore the ideas and development of teacher education in Australia, utilizing relevant literature and documents. It analyzed Australia's national development, educational contexts, teacher educational ideas, and educational conditions, in order to clarify the ideas and development of Australia teacher education. It was hoped that some advices could be provided to the teacher education and development of Taiwan. This research found that Australian teacher education manifested the tendency of pluralism and practical experience. The main reasons are the following: 1. Australia's national development, educational declarations, andeducation at policies emphasize pluralism and practical experience.2. The development of the Australian teacher education has successfully eliminated the gap between theory and practice.3. The focus of Australian teacher education is to cultivate such teachers as to prone to pluralism and practical experience.4. The ideas of Australian teacher education is to realize the vision of equality and pluralism.5. Teacher education in Australia promotes lifelong learning through professional standards of teachers.6. Teacher education in Australia combines empiricism and experimentalism to shape the spirit of pluralism and practice.Based on the above conclusions, the researcher offered four suggestions for future teacher education of Taiwan:1. Taiwanese teacher education policy should be consistent with the national development and educational vision.2. The authorities should incorporate practical activities in the process of teacher education.3. Taiwanese teacher educational curriculum should cultivate talents with diverse curriculum planning and practice.4. The authorities should formulate professional standards according to stages of development for teachers to guide them in lifelong learning.



澳洲, 師資培育課程, 師資培育理念, 多元主義, 實作經驗, Australia, curriculum of teacher education, ideas of teacher education, Pluralism, practical experience





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