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地籍測量為地籍登記之母,是地籍整理最基本工作,並為國家建設與社會經濟發展之基礎。控制點為地籍測量的基礎及法源,搜尋控制點是地籍測量必要的工作。現行找尋控制點方式,係以紙本、照片等靜態圖資配合至現場搜尋,惟控制點常因障礙物遮蔽或四周環境變化等原因,致需花費較多人力及時間確認控制點是否存在,甚至可能無功而返,造成資源浪費。本研究主要目的在探討運用「擴增實境」(Augmented Reality,AR)技術,結合臺北市衛星定位基準網Taipei CORS之多星系即時動態定位服務並依據實驗之成果探討未來應用於測量外業時之利弊與限制。本次實驗方法將以本市松山地政事務所受理之鑑界案件,從測量作業程序中之搜尋控制點方式,比較行動載具鏡頭及擴增實境,連接Taipei CORS服務進行多星系D-GNSS即時動態定位方式與傳統紙本方式,記錄所需花費時間及搜尋距離,來驗證導入擴增實境技術是否能協助測量員減少作業時間及體力負荷。實驗證實AR系統於外業時可順利協助測量員尋找圖根點,當測量員與圖根點位相距較遠時,可參考上指示之方向尋找。當測量員與圖根點位接近時,可透過AR畫面中反算之距離進行輔助,進一步確認與圖根點之相對關係。通過這種結合,Taipei CORS可以提供高精度的定位資訊,AR可以提供虛擬資訊與真實環境進行互動,實現更為方便有效且準確的應用效果。未來若能結合內政部國土測繪中心建構之高精度電子化全球衛星即時動態定位系統(e–GNSS),將可提供臺北市以外的地政事務所及各政府相關都計、地政機關使用,節省控制點查找時間,提升測量效率,促進公部門測繪發展。
Cadastral survey is the mother of cadastral registration, the most basic work of cadastral finishing, and the foundation of national construction and socio-economic development, control points are the basis and legal source of cadastral survey, and searching control points is a necessary work for cadastral survey. However, the control points are often hidden by obstacles or changes in the surrounding environment, so it takes more manpower and time to confirm the existence of the control points, and may even return without success, resulting in a waste of resources.The main objective of this study is to investigate the application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology, combined with the multi-system real-time dynamic positioning service of Taipei CORS and the installation of APP application on smart mobile devices, and to investigate the convenience of searching control points in Augmented Reality dynamic space and the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the future application in measurement field.In this experiment, we compared the search control point method in the survey procedure with the mobile vehicle camera and augmented reality, and the time and distance required to record the multi-system D-GNSS real-time dynamic positioning method connected to the Taipei CORS service with the traditional paper-based method, to test whether the augmented reality technologycan help surveyors reduce the operating time and physical load.When the surveyor is far away from the root point, the surveyor can refer to the direction indicated by the AR root system on the mobile carrier to search for it. When the surveyor is close to the root point, the surveyor can use the inverse distance from the AR screen to assist and further confirm the relationship with the root point.Through this combination, RTK can provide high-precision positioning information and AR can interact with the real environment through virtual information, thus realizing more accurate applications. In the future, the AR map root system can be combined with the high-precision electronic global satellite real-time dynamic positioning system (e-GNSS) constructed by the National Land Survey and Mapping Center of the Ministry of the Interior, and will be available for use by local government offices outside of Taipei City and various government-related metropolitan and engineering agencies to save time in locating control points, improve survey efficiency, and promote the development of public sector mapping.



控制點, 圖根點, 全球導航衛星系統, 擴增實境, 臺北市衛星定位基準網, control point, mapping control point, Taipei CORS, Global Navigation Satlkkite System(GNSS), Augmented Reality(AR)





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