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達達主義所帶來藝術生活化的趨勢使得當代藝術被「讀懂」的訴求越來越大,而普普運動引發的藝術大眾化與商業化風潮更促使當代藝術作品較以往更具有傳播性;在普普藝術以降的新普普運動中,日本當代藝術家扮演著將普羅大眾所熟知的動漫文化引入藝術殿堂的重要角色,而其中奈良美智為重要代表性人物之一,除了其作品受到喜愛之外,從電影《跟著奈良美智去旅行》中,研究者也觀察到一群當代藝術迷群的存在。 本論文透過迷群研究的相關理論描繪「當代藝術迷群」的樣貌,企圖以奈良美智迷群為媒介,連結傳播研究與當代藝術之間的相關論述。除剖析奈良美智藝術創作背景脈絡及其藝術風格外,本論文採深度訪談法,由迷群觀點探究奈良美智迷群所迷的文本、成迷的原因、行為,並歸納分析迷群篩選問卷之相關資料,整理出奈良美智迷群的背景與特徵等,以描繪當代藝術閱聽人之樣貌。 本研究發現奈良美智迷群具有許多「非典型的迷現象」,包括理性的購物行為、低調內斂的追隨行動、社群參與、模仿學習以及文本再生產行為的相對缺乏等。此外,奈良迷對於自我的迷群身份則偏向以「內在的長期關注與支持」作為主要的認同標準;本研究也發現他們多半具有藝文傾向、保有童心且想法鮮明有個性,與迷群眼中的奈良美智相似性極高,具有「冷靜但忠誠」的特質。 本研究為迷群文化應用在當代藝術領域的初探性研究,可算是對於當代藝術迷群樣貌相關問題的「普查」,可作為藝術相關領域在文化創意產業中進行策展或政策擬定之參考。
As the consequences of the popularization and commercialization of art that Pop Art movement contribute to, contemporary artnowadays becomes more and more communicative. Now we may say that the Japanese artist plays an important role to lead comic culture into the shrine of art, and Yoshitomo Nara is the most important artist among them. From the movie “Travelling with Yoshitomo Nara”, a kind of audience called contemporary art fans are observable. The study is going to take Yoshitomo Nara fans as an example to portray the manifestation of contemporary art fans with the theory of fan culture, trying to understand how they behave as a fan, why they became a fan, and what really makes them fascinated with the method of semi-structured and in-depth interview. The issues of audience, art communication, consumer culture and aesthetic consumption will also be discussed in this study. By understanding the thoughts and behaviors of contemporary art fans, the study is looking forward to provide some ideas of relevant policy development in the cultural and creative industries.



當代藝術, 奈良美智, 迷群, 閱聽人, contemporary art, Yoshitomo Nara, fans, audience

