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根據台灣創市際市場研究顧問從2008年7月到12月間的調查顯示,我國網路 使用人口主要為高中職生與大專生,佔10歲以上人口的90.4%。因此,高中生的視覺經驗有很多都來自網路文化。近來,有許多網站業者推出部落格與網路相簿,讓每個人可以將照片放在網路空間,這也促使高中生熱衷於運用數位攝影設備記錄生活,然後於網路相簿中供人欣賞、相互討論。網路日誌與網路相簿已成為這世代高中生視覺文化的一部分。在這些數位影像當中,「女性自拍」影像經由我國電視綜藝節目和商業宣傳活動的推波助瀾而引起風潮。觀察這些影像會發現,其網路相簿點閱率較高者的影像往往是暴露乳溝、穿著清涼的女性自拍表現,而且影像中的女性外貌大多符合美白、纖瘦、小臉、豐胸等。高中生不一定是這些女性影像的製造者,但可能是這些女性影像的觀賞者,他們與影像的觀看關係即是對影像審美觀的實踐。 綜觀上述,本研究將以宜蘭地區某高中為研究對象,透過問卷調查法了解他們面對網路女性自拍影像時如何審美判斷。問卷調查結果發現:受試者上網觀看女性自拍影像的經驗非常普遍,主要觀看動機為「無意間逛到」,而觀看女性自拍影像的管道主要是「無名小站」。在影像審美判斷上,他們傾向認為問卷中的影像具有美感,但是普遍不喜歡這些影像。在作答差異上:不同性別受試者對問卷中影像之美感判斷並無顯著差異;而在喜好判斷上有顯著差異。在質性資料部份:受試者對問卷中影像的美感判斷主要依據為「主觀偏好」;而喜好判斷主要依據為「自拍者行為」。在作答差異上,不同性別受試者對問卷影像的審美判斷之依據有顯著差異。
According to the investigation of InsightXplorer from July to December in 2008 , most internet users are senior high school students and undergraduates and they are 90.4 percent of the users above ten years. Therefore, most vision experience of senior high school students derive from cyberculture. Many website operators supply Blog and network albums which enable everyone to show their digital photos in cyberspace; It also brings senior high school students to record life by means of digital cameras and to communicate through the pictures. Blog and network albums have become a part of vision culture of senior high school students in this epoch. In the digital images, ”female self-portraits” prevail by variety shows and advertisement activities. After observing these images, we can find that the girls in the popular pictures used to show their breast cleavage or dress light.We can not sure that all senior high school students are makers of images, but we can not deny that they are viewers of the images. They judged whether the images are beautiful when they were looking at the female pictures. In conclusion, this study will take example from a senior high school in Yilan to find out how the students judge the digital female self-portraits through a questionnaire survey. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. most subjects has seen the digital female self portraits on ling. 2. Their major motive for seeing pictures is accident. 3. The major way of seeing pictures is Wretch. 4.They tend to consider that the pictures are beautiful, but they tend to dislike those. The diversity of respondences between female and male are as follows: 1.There are no obvious difference when they judge whether the pictures are beautiful, but there are obvious difference when they express their preference. 2. There are no obvious difference when they judge whether the pictures are beautiful, but there are obvious difference when they express their preference. The findings of qualitative data are as follows: 1.The major reason why subjects consider the pictures beautiful is “preference”. 2.The major reason why subjects like the pictures is “author’s behavior”. 3. The reasons between female and male are obviously different.



女性影像, 審美判斷, 網路自拍, 視覺文化, female image, judgement, digital self--portrait, visual culture

