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Graduate institute of library and information studies ,NTNU


臺灣65 歲以上高齡人口的比率逐漸增加,因此將科技裝置設計得更加人性化,協助銀髮族群不脫離熟悉的生活環境、滿足生活照護需求,並能享受科技所帶來的便利,是個相當重要的課題。本研究設計開發銀髮族專用眼戴式手機閱讀輔具雛型,並報導進行科技接受度調查的結果。研究發現:本輔具之「知覺有用性」在四個構面中獲得最高的評價,但在「知覺易用性」構面分數最低;進一步審視各單一題項的平均分數與同意度分佈百分比也發現「知覺易用性」之下的各題普遍表現較差。說明了銀髮長者覺得這個輔具還算有用,認為這會是個好產品,願意自用並推薦給親友,但是在操作上仍感到不夠簡單,因此「易用性」是研究團隊未來在開發成品時要改善的重點。此外,1000 元以下是受調者對這種輔具市場價格的期望。
The aging phenomenon has been saliently identified in Taiwanese society, with the exponentially -increasing proportion of the elders. Thus, the importance of how to provide senior citizens with user-friendly, or even elder-friendly devices so that they can have their various needs satisfied without feeling isolated has been greatly emphasized. Hence, this study aimed to develop a glasses-attached mobile reading aid, specifically designed for senior citizens, and conducted a technology acceptance survey on the prototype afterwards. Results of this study indicate that Perceived Usefulness, among all four aspects, received the highest score, while the lowest score was discovered in the aspect of Perceived Ease of Use. It was also unveiled that Perceived Ease of Use received mediocre results either in the average scores of each question or in the distribution of results. These findings indicate that, although there is still room for improvements with the operation design, senior citizens consider such a reading aid useful, and that they are willing to either use it on their own or recommend it to people around them. Thus, efforts will be attentively put into the improvements of Perceived Ease of Use. Moreover, it was also revealed that price of such reading aids, aiming to be affordable, should be below NT$1,000.






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