
dc.contributor.authorTseng Min Huien_US
dc.description.abstract傳統社會對於性別角色的認定尚存在特定的性別刻板印象,而學校教育應是最能突破性別刻板印象及建立良好觀念的管道。高中公民與社會九五暫綱課程實施以來,國內並無太多針對高中生的性別課程所做的相關研究。研究者有感於所處之教學環境以男學生居多,且發現學生在平日言談之中常會對部分較具有陰柔特質的同學給予不同的待遇,例如:取綽號。故研究者試圖透過公民與社會的教學課堂,結合案例教學法的實施,將性別教育的重要觀念融入於課程之中,以期能改變學生對傳統性別角色與性別刻板印象的觀點。 本研究採用案例教學法,其過程結合兩個教學案例,案例一為研究者採用董秀蘭教授所提供之教學案例,其內容為探討國中生葉永鋕在校受到性別暴力所延伸出來的性別角色問題;案例二為研究者配合影片「美麗拳王」教學,針對影片片段與學生討論性別氣質的問題。案例教學之後並輔以分組與全班性的討論與歸納,並請學生填寫相關回饋表以作為質性研究資料分析之用。 研究者歸納整理研究參與者所填答之資料與討論結果,獲得以下結論: 一、運用案例教學法實施性別平等教育課程對學生在「性別角色態度」觀念方面確實有改變。 二、運用案例教學法實施性別平等教育課程對學生在「性別氣質多元」觀念方面確實有助益。 三、運用案例教學法實施性別平等教育課程對學生整體傳統既有的性別角色刻板印象有改善的效果。 其中針對案例教學法的成效,研究結果如下: 一、 案例教學法相較於一般傳統講述教學法確實較能提升學生之學習動機。 二、 透過案例教學法更能強調與呼應課程所提及之相關重要概念,加深學生印象。 三、 案例教學法能培養學生互助合作等群體相處的其他能力。 針對研究結果,研究者提出以下建議: 一、 對日後有意進行案例教學法教師的建議 (一) 課程的實施方面 1. 讓學生能事先閱讀案例內容:教師宜預留一定時間確定學生已事先研讀案例內容,將更有助於案例內容講解時的了解與後續討論。 2. 鼓勵並適時引導學生討論發言:研究者建議教師在實施案例教學時宜適時的給予學生正增強,鼓勵其踴躍發言並肯定其發言內容,建立學生自我表達的信心。 (二) 課程的設計與規劃方面 1. 宜配合學生程度設計案例並融入課程重點觀念。 2. 教學媒體等相關技術之克服:研究者建議日後欲從事案例教學法教學的教師可以請教相關專業人士協助剪輯影片或自行學習有關剪接技能,將更可收事半功倍之效。 3. 教學時間與地點配合之掌控:有適當的教學資源配合將可收事半功倍之效。 二、 對後續研究者的建議 (一)研究對象方面:建議後續研究者可將研究對象之年齡層擴大至高中二三年級學生,可了解學生是否會隨著年齡增長而對性別議題有不同之看法。 (二)課程安排與配置方面:應有事前的課程調配以利課程實施的整理推動。 (三)案例內容方面:除了性別角色與性別氣質等議題,尚可針對目前高中校園中較需關注之其他性別議題做研究,以豐富高中性別教育課程之內涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractStereotypes of gender roles from traditional societies still exist nowadays, and such misconceptions can be corrected through the channel of proper education. Since the execution of “citizen& society course ,” there has been little relevant research done on high school courses regarding sexuality. The author’s experience of teaching in an environment with mostly male students has shown evidence that students with feminine characters tend to be treated differently or given inappropriate nicknames. Using case-method teaching during citizen& society class, the author combines important concepts from sex education with regular course work in an effort to correct students’ misconceptions related to stereotypes of gender roles. The adopted case-method teaching includes two cases specifically. One case provided by Professor Doong discusses the problems involved in an incident of sexual violence happened to a junior high school student 葉永鋕. The other case is done through the viewing of the movie “A Beautiful Boxer” and discussions of several movie clips relating to gender roles. The facilitated in class activities provide insightful information to the research topic. Surveys requesting feedbacks are given to students. By analyzing the survey results, one can conclude the following : 1. The case-method teaching combined with courses on sex equality changes students’ views on gender role attitude. 2. The case-method teaching combined with courses on sex equality changes students’ views on gender diversity. 3. The case-method teaching combined with courses on sex equalit improves the students’ stereotypes of gender roles. The effectiveness of the case-method teaching is summarized as follows: 1. The case-method teaching motivates students’ learning more effectively than traditional teaching method. 2. Through case-method teaching, students can relate to the important concepts of the course work more easily. 3. Case-method teaching develops students’ team work abilities and improves interactions among them. Given the results, the author recommends the following: 1. For those who are interested in trying case-method teaching – (1) Course Execution Preview of the case: Instructors should allow students sufficient time to read the case to be discussed beforehand so the students are better prepared to participate in class. Facilitated class discussions: Instructors should facilitate and encourage students to voice and share their opinions. Self-confidence and enhanced learning can be obtained through class participation. (2) Course Design and Planning The design of the cases should depend on the levels of the students. Multimedia/Technology: Have assigned personnel handle editing or related tasks that are unfamiliar to the instructor so that the class can be conducted more efficiently. Location& Time: Sufficient and appropriate resources should be reserved ahead of time. 2. For future research (1) Target students: Further research can be done on high school students. Investigating how students’ behaviors evolve with age could provide valuable information. (2) Course Planning: Pre-planning is necessary for successful course execution. (3) Contents of the cases: Other than gender roles, topics related to sex that are of interest but are not currently covered in the curriculum can be studied further. Students’ in class learning experience can both add to and benefit from research.en_US
dc.subjectsex educationen_US
dc.subjectcase-method teachingen_US
dc.titleResearch on applications of the case-method teaching on sex educationen_US

