
dc.contributorHsi-nan Yehen_US
dc.contributor.authorMeng-ting Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract自從國內國中教科書編輯全面開放以來,市場上出現各版本英語教科書供教師選擇、採用。為了將來教科書的編寫、評選及使用,針對多種版本教科書的評估變得重要。雖然目前已有多筆研究探討教師對教科書的看法,卻極少研究傾聽學生的心聲。因此,本研究旨在探討教師及學生對現行國中英語教科書的用後評估,研究素材為目前市面上最常選用之兩套教科書(H、K)。另一重要目的為檢驗受試者的看法是否因城鄉差距而有所不同。教科書使用者的喜好、困難及需求也是討論重點。 城區及鄉區合計153位教師及399位學生填寫問卷。受試者之中有6位教師和11位學生參與訪談。資料顯示儘管師生觀點及學校所在地區有所不同,受試者對現行教科書的份量、難易度和滿意程度極為相似,少有顯著差異。師生皆認為「說」的練習份量不足,而各部份的難易度皆為適中。大多數受試者認為「學習方法及資源」向度需要改善,其次為「語言技巧」、「字彙、片語及發音」等兩向度。 至於城區和鄉區教師使用教科書所遭遇的困難,兩區之間並無顯著差異。兩區皆有超過85%的教師認為最主要的問題是「教科書無法因應學生參差不齊的程度」,其次為「內容無法培養學生的英語溝通能力、不能引起他們的興趣」。而學生最普遍的問題為「文法的說明不夠、說與寫的技巧不足」。此外,儘管版本不同,以下三項顯示城區和鄉區學生的困難具有顯著差異:「閱讀的技巧不足」、「文法太多、太難」、「索引不便,難查閱單字及文法」。這些和目前英語考試的重點有關,而城鄉差距可能與這些顯著差異相關。 關於學生的喜好,他們最喜愛的主題是「運動、旅行與休閒娛樂」、「文化、習俗、民俗技藝、節慶」及「情感」;最喜歡的體裁為「笑話」、「故事」和「漫畫」。教師在這兩方面的預測與學生的回應大致相符。最後也是最重要的一點,學生的學習需求,教師的預期及學生的回應顯示兩者觀點的差異。學生認為學習英語最主要的目的是「用英語溝通」,然而教師將「在考試及基測中拿高分」視為優先考量。此外,學生在「學習策略」與「情意學習」等兩方面的需求透露雙方觀點的顯著差異。 期待本研究的結果可以幫助英語教師察覺到學生的個別喜好與需求,老師也需要彈性並多元運用教科書來因應學生多樣的需求及英語程度。此外,教科書應該根據教師及學生不同的困難、喜好及需求來編輯。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the reform on textbook policies in Taiwan, multiple versions of junior high school English textbooks have appeared on the market for teachers to select and adopt. The evaluation of various textbooks thus becomes important for future textbook compilation, selection and use. Although a number of studies investigated teachers’ perceptions of textbooks, yet little attention so far seems to have been paid to student users’ voice. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the post-use evaluation of the most popular two junior high school English textbooks (i.e., H and K) from both teachers’ and students’ perspectives. Another significant purpose is to examine whether users’ perceptions vary with urban-rural disparity. Textbook users’ difficulties, preferences, and needs are also discussed. One hundred and fifty-three teachers as well as three hundred and ninety-nine students in urban and rural areas filled in the questionnaires. Among these participants, six teachers and eleven students were interviewed. The results indicated that regardless of different perspectives and school locations, participants’ perceptions of quantity and difficulty level of different parts in the textbook as well as their satisfaction were similar and showed few significant differences. “Speaking practice” in both textbooks was thought insufficient by teachers and students, whereas the difficulty level in each part of both textbooks was evaluated as suitable. Most participants suggested that the dimension of “learning methods and resources” be improved. Another two dimensions which needed improvement were the presentation of “four language skills” as well as that of “words, phrases and pronunciation.” Concerning urban and rural teachers’ difficulties in using the textbook, there was no significant differences. In both areas, “the textbook’s failure to cope with students’ diverse proficiency levels” was the major problem for over eighty-five percent of the teacher participants. Another two common problems were “the textbook’s failure to develop students’ communicative abilities and to interest them.” On the other hand, students’ most common difficulties are “insufficient explanation of grammar”, “insufficient speaking and writing skills.” Furthermore, the following three difficulties showed significant differences in the results from rural students: “too much and too difficult grammar,” “insufficient reading skills,” and “inconvenient appendixes to look up words and grammar.” These involve the focuses of the current English exams. Urban-rural disparity may be related to these significant differences. With regard to students’ preferences, their favorite topics are “sports, traveling and recreation,” “cultures, customs, folk art and festivals,” as well as “affections.” For their favorite genres, “jokes,” “stories” and “comics” were preferred. Teachers’ predictions approximately corresponded to students’ responses. Last but not least, for students’ needs, a gap between teachers’ and students’ expectation emerged. “To communicate in English” was the top purpose of learning English in students’ mind, but teachers ranked “to get high grades in exams and the BCT” as the top priority. Furthermore, needs about “learning strategies” and “affective learning” show significant differences in the students’ perceptions. It is expected that the results help to sensitize teachers to students’ preferences as well as their needs, and teachers are suggested to flexibly and diversely utilize the textbook to suit students’ varying needs and proficiency levels. Also, it is suggested that textbook compilation be based on teachers’ and students’ major difficulties, preferences as well as needs.en_US
dc.subjectjunior high school English textbooksen_US
dc.subjecttextbook evaluationen_US
dc.subjectpost-use evaluationen_US
dc.subjectteachers' perspectiveen_US
dc.subjectstudents' perspectiveen_US
dc.subjecturban-rural disparityen_US
dc.subjecttextbook users' difficultiesen_US
dc.subjecttextbook users' preferencesen_US
dc.subjecttextbook users' needsen_US
dc.titlePost-Use Evaluation of Junior High School English Textbooks in Taiwanen_US


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