行動研究: 探究式學習對英語學習者主動學習影響之探討

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英語能力在台灣被視為個人成功與國家競爭力的基石,而英語教育在台灣也一直都是教育改革著重的目標之一。新課綱與雙語國家政策的施行將英語教育的重要性更往上提升。在提升國家整體英語水平的期待下,新課綱卻縮減英語授課時數,而在教育現場的教師關注的困境則普遍是學習動機的低落。兩政策目標的內涵及現況的教學困難將促使英語教師進行英語教學上的改變:在有限的時間中給予學生有意義的學習情境來深化學習,提升學習者語言學習的情意動機。動機和主動學習密不可分,主動學習者最大特色在於主動建構知識而非被動接受知識,並在學習過程展現積極正向的學習熱情。探究式學習重視學習者的自主性,過往的文獻指出應用於高等教育的語言教學上可促進學習者主動學習樣態。本行動研究旨在探討一般英語課室內使用探究式學習促進高中生主動學習能力養成的可能性。研究者使用英文課本內容作為議題討論開端,配合探究式學習的五個階段,觀察學生在學習過程中是否展現主動學習的樣貌。研究問題如下:使用探究式學習對外語學習者的主動學習行為的影響為何?研究資料蒐集包含研究者的課室觀察、學習者的學習歷程與個別訪談。分析資料顯示了三個與主動學習相關的樣態包括:(一) 學生從知識的接受者轉化為知識的建構者,(二) 學生展現正向的學習態度,(三) 學生習得不同的學習技巧。行動研究重視理論與實務的結合並重視研究者的反思及修正,故本行動研究在施行第一次探究式循環後進行反思與修正並施作第二次循環。針對第一次修正內容及檢討二次循環過程,研究者也提出完善建議。此研究將有助於未來行動研究者施作探究式語言學習,或促進語言學習者的主動學習之參考。
English ability has long been regarded as the success of individuals but one of the most pervasive problems for language teachers in Taiwan is that learners need motivation. The Taiwan government launched new Curriculum Guidelines in 2018, in which English teaching hours were reduced, to develop every student into a lifelong learner with competencies. It is obvious that cultivating competencies or building lifelong learners is a formidable mission when students are passive and indifferent to their learning. This study addresses this real-world problem by exploring a teaching approach that can activate learner agents and lead to active learning behaviors. Due to the characteristics of inquiry-based learning in a language classroom, this student-centered approach could help deepen students’ learning and sustain learning motivation, which could eventually help cultivate students’ active learning behaviors. Therefore, the research question was as follows: In what way can inquiry-based learning affect students’ willingness to learn actively?Data were collected through teacher’s observation logs, students’ inquiry journals and final products, and semi-structured interviews. The significant findings of this action research related to active learning were:1. Students learned various learning skills.2. Students demonstrated positive affective abilities.3. Students transformed from knowledge receivers to knowledge constructors.Since the nature of action research lies in constant reflection and modification, this study comprised two cycles. The reflective points and the modifications after the first cycle were discussed in this report, together with the overall reflections and suggestions. The researcher hopes this will help contribute to the collective knowledge of future researchers interested in the real-world implementation of inquiry-based learning and active learning in language classrooms.



行動研究, 探究式學習, 主動學習, 動機, 學習自主性, action research, inquiry-based learning, active learning, motivation, autonomy





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