
dc.contributorChao Huei-Lingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee Hsi-Meien_US
dc.description.abstract由於現階段的社會環境複雜,家庭功能式微,少子化現象加上親子結構失調,國中義務教育之導師班級經營面臨日益艱鉅的挑戰;而不同專任教師由於所屬學科迥異,其兼任導師之情境亦有不同。鑒於近年來,藝文領域教師投入導師行列比例日趨升高,本研究之目的即在以研究者自身擔任導師之經驗出發,探討下列問題: 一、觀察並收集視覺藝術教師擔任導師所產生的各種經驗 二、探究視覺藝術教師擔任導師所運用的班級經營內涵與相關策略 三、分析視覺藝術教師擔任導師所遭遇的困境與難題,以及衍生的對策   根據研究問題,本研究以包含研究者在內共五位擁有導師經驗的視覺藝術教師為研究對象,以及一位研究諍友(同校擔任導師之社會科教師)作為研究參與者,進行半結構式的訪談與觀察。經由資料整理與分析,本研究提出以下結論: 一、國中視覺藝術教師對導師工作的認同與否,左右其導師經驗的內容。認同導    師一職者,其導師經驗的累積豐富多元;反之,其導師經驗則缺乏內容,僅   存形式化的管理模式。 二、國中視覺藝術教師自我的人格特質與其前一段導師經驗的好壞,是建立其導   師班級經營內涵的基礎。擁有正向特質較多的國中視覺藝術教師,其兼任導    師時,班級經營內涵較具彈性與行動力。 三、目前的客觀環境與條件,不利於視覺藝術教師擔任導師,如:班級經營時間   不足;教學與管理兩者立場不同,角色轉換不易;難以改變家長刻板印象,   獲取信任;投入導師的視覺藝術教師人力過多,影響專業教學。   依據研究結論,本研究對身兼導師之國中視覺藝術教師群、校方與教育當局,以及未來研究方向提出若干建議以作為參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBecause the social environment is complicated for the time being, function of the household is less influential, the phenomenon of raising fewer children is prevailing, and parent-child structure is disordered, junior high school compulsory education homeroom teacher’s class management is faced with growing challenges day by day; because the different designated teachers teach different courses, the scenarios they face with are diverse. As far as the fact that the proportion of the literary art teachers who dedicated to homeroom teachers escalates recently is concerned, the goal of this research is, from the viewpoint of researcher, who has been the homeroom teacher, to discuss the following questions: First of all, to observe and collect the different kinds of experiences of visual arts teachers who serve as homeroom teachers. Secondly, to find out what connotation and strategies related to class management the visual arts teachers who serve as homeroom teachers adopt. Thirdly, to analyze the dilemma and difficulty that visual arts teachers encounter, as well as derivative countermeasures which teachers adopt. According to the issue we are going to discuss, five visual arts teachers (including researcher) who have homeroom teachers’ experiences, together with a society domain teacher at the same school, are invited as co-participants in the research, and take semi- structural interview and observation. Finally the research proposes the following conclusions through data compilation and mining: 1. Junior high school visual arts teachers’ identification predominates over what the homeroom teachers’ experiences. People who identify the duty of homeroom teachers would accumulate multi-dimensional experiences. On the contrary, they would only own superficial management pattern without profound experiences. 2. The characteristic of personality and quality of homeroom teachers’ experiences will be the base of class management. The junior high school visual arts teachers who have more positive characteristic and quality can apply more elasticity and action to their class management when they are also homeroom teachers. 3. The present objective environment and condition, for example, insufficient class management time, different stances between the art teachers and the school administrator resulted in role transform difficulty, difficulty in changing parents’ stereotype and hard to gain parents’ trust; a surplus of visual arts teachers who dedicated to homeroom teachers affecting expertise to teaching, do not favor the visual arts teacher to be homeroom teachers. Based on the conclusion of the research, this research will offer some suggestions to junior high school visual arts teachers who are homeroom teachers simultaneously, the school authorities, the education authority, as well as the future direction of researches for reference.en_US
dc.subjectjunior high school homeroom teacheren_US
dc.subjectvisual arts teacheren_US
dc.subjecthomeroom teachers' experienceen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Experiences 0f Junior High School Homeroom Teachers of Visual Artsen_US

