

本研究目的在探討高中職教育市場化的功能、指標、條件、模式、限制、與因應策略,並探討我國高中職教育市場化的相關意見、現況、與相關人員支持情形,最後根據研究結論提出建議,以供教育行政機關、高中職學校、與後續研究者,在評估、推動、研究我國高中職教育市場化及其相關問題時之參考。 為達前述目的,本研究採用文獻分析與問卷調查做為研究方法,並透過文獻分析的結果來做為調查研究的基礎,編製「我國高中職教育市場化研究調查問卷」進行調查研究,以瞭解我國高中職教育市場化的相關意見和現況。問卷調查對象為相關的學者專家、教育行政機關人員、公私立高中職的學校教育人員,共發出574份問卷,回收有效問卷436份。最後依據文獻探討與問卷調查結果,歸納出結論與建議如下: 壹、研究結論: 一、 現在實施高中職教育市場化將獲得「有些支持」,未來若建立配套措施後,將獲得「支持」。 二、 高中職教育市場化可產生正面功能,但也可能衍生負面功能。因此為消除或減低負面功能,實施前應先擬定並落實補救措施。 三、 高中職教育市場化的指標包括:選校自由、辦學績效、多樣化等。根據指標。目前我國高中職教育市場化的程度偏低。 四、 高中職教育市場化應具備的實施條件包括:供選擇的學校、監督維護等。目前我國高中職教育市場化具備條件的程度偏低。 五、 高中職教育市場化的可行模式包括:制訂市場秩序法令、建立選擇機制、取消相關規定等,民營化較不宜作為實施模式。目前我國高中職運用這些模式的程度均偏低。 六、 高中職實施教育券模式的可行方式包括:補助私校與弱勢生學雜費差額、給私校與弱勢生差額教育券等。目前運用程度偏低的方式是:強制私校提供教育券、給績優學校生差額教育券等。 七、 高中職實施解除管制模式的可行方式包括:學校事務決策權給學校、減少教學控制等。不宜為實施方式的是:放寬或取消招生數規定、自訂收費標準等。目前運用程度偏低的是放寬或取消收費標準等。 八、 高中職實施民營化模式的可行方式包括:公私合辦、契約外包等,惟這些方式都沒有獲得太多支持。其中運用程度最低的方式是:將公立學校全部或部分設施出售民間。 九、 高中職教育市場化可採用的策略包括:提供選校協助、訂定成就標準、提供學校資訊等。目前我國高中職運用實施策略的程度偏低。 十、 高中職教育市場化所可能遭遇的限制,主要包括:學校無法生存、供需機制未完善、無法確保教育品質或效率、學校自主性不足等。 十一、 不同背景填答者對高中職如何實施教育市場化的意見及對我國高中職教育市場化實際情形的看法均是大同小異。惟身份別與學校類別較有差異。 貳、研究建議: 一、對教育行政機關與高中職學校共同之建議: (一) 高中職教育市場化可發揮正面功能,但也可能產生負面結果,因此在決策或實施前均須全盤審慎評估處理。 (二) 為消除或減低高中職教育市場化的負面功能,並爭取大眾對實施教育市場化的支持,在實施時應有完善的補救措施。 (三) 應審慎選定教育市場化的指標。當前我國高中職教育市場化程度偏低,若欲實施可根據指標來逐步推動。 (四) 在實施高中職教育市場化前,應先具備實施條件,以利市場化政策的推動與實施。我國目前條件具備不足,不宜貿然全面實施。 (五) 實施高中職教育市場化可以考慮多樣化的模式。在實施時可依據本研究之結論,優先推動合法化模式。 (六) 可採用教育券模式,並以依收入補助私校與弱勢生學雜費差額等五項作為高中職教育市場化之教育券模式。 (七) 應以解除學校事務、課程、教學管制等作為高中職教育市場化之解除管制模式。初期不宜以解除招生人數、收費規定等作為模式。 (八) 應審慎因應高中職教育市場化所可能衍生的實施限制,包括學校無法生存、教育市場無法運作等。可應用策略或措施事先加以防範。 二、對教育行政機關之建議: (一) 目前不宜全面實施,但可先從強化高中職選校自由等三方面著手,並透過建立選擇機制與制訂維護市場秩序法令的措施來推動。 (二) 目前可先分階段由小規模試辦至全面實施,建議可先從台北市的私立高中職校開始推動試辦。 (三) 目前可先對高中職教育市場化的措施進行專案研究與評估。 (四) 實施前應先制訂高中職教育市場化之特別法令與施行細則。 (五) 實施前應先明確釐清政府、市場、學校、家庭的四邊關係與各自角色定位。 (六) 實施前應大力加強政策宣導並尋求社會共識。 (七) 實施時應運用實施策略並斟酌採取補救措施。 (八) 實施後應在不違背教育核心價值下確保市場自由、競爭、彈性的機制。 (九) 實施後應不定期視導評鑑並給予學校適當的協助。 三、對高中職學校之建議(此部分係針對高中職教育市場化後,高中職校應有的體認或作法提供建議): (一) 應明瞭學校在教育市場中的角色與功能。 (二) 應積極推動學校本位管理並建立學校特色。 (三) 應參酌企業經營精神致力提升辦學績效。 (四) 應更重視家庭與社會需求。 (五) 應成為學習型組織並積極建立革新所需之動力與彈性。 四、對後續研究的建議: (一) 可縮小研究範圍,鎖定其中一個面向或針對各國實際實施情形進行研究。 (二) 可使用個案研究法、德懷術或焦點團體法,以進行深入研究或建立模式。 (三) 可針對小區域調查並擴大樣本範圍至家長、企業等,以獲得更具體意見。
The purposes of this study were to explore the functions, indicators, conditions, modules, limitations, and necessary strategies to the marketization of the high school. It also aimed to comprehend relative opinions, current situation, and the supported degree of the marketization of the high school education in Taiwan. At last, based on the researcher’s results, the recommendations were proposed as the reference of evaluation, promotion, or study on this topic for relative institutes or researchers. To achieve the above purposes, the study adopted the methodology of literature analysis and questionnaire survey. Based on the results of literature analysis, the “questionnaire for the Study on the Marketization of the High School Education in Taiwan” was used for investigation on the relative opinions and current situation of the high schools’ marketization in Taiwan. The survey was conducted with 574 copies issued and with 436 valid copies returned. Finally, from the results of literature analysis and questionnaire investigation, the conclusions and suggestions are as follows: The conclusions are as follows: 1. In Taiwan it will get a little support if we implement the marketization of the high school education now, and it will get support after establishing a series of corresponding measures in the future. 2. The marketization of the high school education can produce both positive and negative functions. To eliminate or decrease the negative functions, it is necessary to draw up and carry out the relative assistant measures. 3. There are nine items can be the indicators of the high school education marketization, including freedom of school choice, effectiveness of school management, multiple school education, etc. According to these indicators. It is in lower degree of the marketization of high school education in Taiwan. 4. There are eight items should be the required conditions of the high school educational marketization, including: the proper amount of schools offering option, government should offer the proper supervision and maintenance to educational market, etc. It is in lower degree of the required conditions of the high school educational marketization in Taiwan. 5. There are six items can be the feasible educational marketization modules, including enact the law of the market order, set up the school choice mechanism, cancel the improper regular rules, etc., and the privatization module is more unsuitable. Using these modules in Taiwan now is in lower degree. 6. There are five items can be the feasible way in implementing voucher module, including paying subsidies to private school students and inferior students with different amounts, offering different amounts voucher to private students and inferior students, etc. At present among the voucher implementation ways which using degree is lower are to enforce private schools offering vouchers and to give excellent schools students with different amounts of vouchers. 7. There are three feasible ways in implementing deregular module, such as empower the right of school affairs policy-decision to individual school, reduce control of school teaching, etc., and improper ways are widen or even cancel the rules of school enrollment amount and let each school decides its own tuition. 8. The privatization module only get a little agreement, and among them the more feasible ways are public-private partnership and contracting out. In Taiwan now the lowest using degree way is to sale whole or parts of public schools. 9. There are ten strategies can be used in implementing the marketization of the high school, including offering helps to the family for selecting schools, setting up the standard of the achievement, giving family information about every school, etc.. Today in Taiwan high schools using these strategies’ degree is lower. 10. There will be seven limitations when implementing the marketization in high schools, the main limitations include: school can not survive in the educational market, the market supply-need mechanism has not been established, the educational market can not sustain the educational quality or efficiency, etc. 11. The opinion from various background respondents are similar in how marketization of the high school should be done and what has ready been done. The suggestions resulting from conclusions are as follows: 1. Common suggestions: (1) Take a serious way and a whole-check evaluation which include all positive and negative functions before the educational marketization policy-making or implementation. (2) There should have a series of assistant measures when implementing. (3) Choosing and setting up some indicators for implementation. (4) There should have some required conditions before carrying out, and it is not proper for implementing the whole marketization plan now. (5) The multiple modules can be used together when implementing, and the legalization module is superior to all of the modules. (6) The voucher module is acceptable and there are five feasible ways within the module can be used. (7) The deregulation of the school affairs, curriculum, teaching can be the feasible ways for deregular module. (8) It needs use proper strategies or measures to correspond the limitations. 2. Suggestions to educational administration: (1) Though now is not the proper time to implement the markerization of the high school education, government can reinforce some measures as like the freedom of school choice and setting up the choice mechanism or market order rules. (2) Government now can implement the marketization of the high school education from small scale to the whole, for example, implementing firstly from all private high schools in Taipei city. (3) Government now should take specific case study and evaluation on the policy of the marketization of the high school education. (4) Before implementation, it needs to enact the specific law or rules. (5) Before implementation, it needs to clarify the four relationships between government, market, school, and family, and make clear with each role of them. (6) Before implementation, it needs to reinforce the policy propagating and promoting the forming of social shared sense for the marketization policy. (7) When implementation, it needs to use proper strategies and assistant measures. (8) After implementation, government should protect the educational free market mechanism except it harms to educational core value. (9) After implementation, government should superintend or evaluate schools as usual and offer proper helps. 3. Suggestions to high schools(After implementation): (1) Schools should realize its roles and functions in the educational market. (2) School should promote site-based management and set up the characteristic of school. (3) School should learn entrepreneur and try to increase effectiveness. (4) School should stress on the need from family and social. (5) School should become a learning organization and effort to establish the power and flexibility of reinvention. 4. Suggestions to further study: (1) Shorten the study areas to one dimension or a specific real case of one country. (2) Using case study method, Delphi technique, focus group method to take further studies or to set up the relative theoretical modules. (3) Survey on small areas and widen the samples to parents, enterprises, social groups.



市場化, 教育市場, 教育市場化, 教育券, 解除管制, 民營化, marketization, educational market, the marketization of education, educational voucher, deregulation, privatization





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