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臉部信號舉世皆同。不受膚色、文化、國籍限制,是世界共通的語言。閱讀外在的表情訊號,能揭示內心的情緒和感受。 本創作研究是以筆者在異地求學時,對於所處環境和世界的內心感受。筆者自小在溫室長大,對於外在環境沒有多加留意;當獨自到臺灣念研究所,獨處的時刻令筆者多思考,轉向內心對話,因此對事物的感受也特別多。是故,筆者從探討「微表情」這臉部語言出發,瞭解表情動作與情緒的關係,運用普普超現實主義風格表現創作內容,將筆者的內心感受視覺化呈現出來。 本文共分五章。第一章緒論,介紹研究動機與目的、研究方法與範圍。第二章探究創作思想來源和學理基礎,透過分析當代藝術中,藝術由高雅轉向低眉的原因,瞭解普普超現實主義流派與研究微表情心理學的學理佐證;第三章說明個人創作之內容與形式,創作媒才與技法。第四章則是詳細介紹筆者在微表情系列的十二件作品的創作理念與想法。第五章對本論文作一個總結與心的感想。
Facial signals are universally the same, regardless boundaries of skin color, culture and nationality. From reading one’s external facial expression can reveal his/her inner emotions and feelings. This creations research mainly represents myself, based on the experience of studying in other places, which regards to the environment of the outside world and my feelings toward it. Being brought up in a protected environment, I was not paying much attention to the external world. While I went to Taiwan for study and lived alone, moments of solitude allowed me to reflect and turn to my inner dialogue. Therefore, through studying the facial language of “Microexpression”, I understand the relationship between facial muscles’ operation and emotions. In the series, Pop Surrealism is applied as the painting style to visualize the inner feeling of myself. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, introduces the motive, purpose and the scope of the research. The second chapter explores the creation idea, the evolution from highbrow art to lowbrow art; analyze the style of Pop Surrealism and study of Microexpression. The third chapter talks about the author’s series of Microexpression creation’s content, form, techniques of works and intermediary materials. The forth chapter is the explanation and analysis of 12 art works of Microexpression series. And the last chapter is the conclusion and personal thoughts.



微表情, 普普超現實主義, 低俗藝術, 肖像, 卡通, Microexpression, Pop Surrealism, Lowbrow Art, Portrait, Cartoon

