以ESRI Story Maps設計聖經亞伯拉罕的故事地圖

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摘要 電子地圖近年來風靡全球,無論使用手機或電腦都能發現電子地圖出現在螢幕畫面裡。在食衣住行育樂的領域上,看一張圖文並茂的電子多媒體地圖,即可獲得許多訊息,並了解地理空間的位置關聯,各種應用均更上一層樓。 本研究嚐試結合電子多媒體地圖與聖經,讓聖經故事透過目前較新的科技工具「專業地理資訊系統ArcGIS online軟體之Story Maps應用程式」呈現。地理視覺化聖經裡信心之父亞伯拉罕的故事,利用螢幕介面,加上彩色地圖、歷史年份、考古證據、氣候環境及人類學民族誌研究,搭配多媒體的影音,強調聖經的典故,並有效提升閱讀理解能力,使聖經故事的發生地點及背後寓意更易懂。一方面,幫助克服因為文字多而有的讀經問題,另一方面,用地圖輔助得知聖經故事發生的地理位置,可加強印象,進而讀出其中隱含的精神。因為聖地以色列距離台灣遙遠,所以從白紙黑字轉換成衛星影像與地形圖,可增進認知聖經地名並體會其特殊的地理現象及環境氛圍,以強調高山低谷所帶來的震撼與感動。聖經是真實歷史,裡面講的是人們親身經歷的故事,上帝的真實透過故事地圖重新詮釋。 本研究編輯製作的「信心爸爸故事地圖」作品,以問卷證明能夠提升人們對聖經的理解能力,也使得聖經地理不再只是地名記錄,運用新的媒介展示亞伯拉罕的旅程,每一個地點都有上帝的同在與祝福。本研究最後總結有效,成功的應用故事地圖,讓人快速切實的懂得了聖經人物亞伯拉罕所代表的信心真諦。
Abstract E-map swept the world in recent years. Whether in mobile navigation, or using a computer to write travel notes, e-map can be found in smart phones or computer screens. In the field of people’s livelihood, an illustrated multimedia e-map can give us a lot of useful messages. This thesis attempts to combine multimedia e-map and the Bible stories to solve the problems of Bible reading mentioned following. Christians must read the Bible. But it may be difficult for us to read Bible, because the words of Bible are too many to be understood. Or even we read the Bible, we still don’t know what meaning the stories are in the Bible and where they happened? Let Bible stories to be shown to people through new display skills. The professional geographic information system ArcGIS online has a new application, Story Maps, which makes Abraham’s stories much more powerful. In order to show users by using a screen interface with the features of multimedia, geography, history, and archaeological evidence, climate and anthropology ethnography. The Bible Story Maps emphasize where the Bible stories happened to improve users’ understanding. The "faith father story map" demonstrates the abilities to solve the problems mentioned above. It makes the display of biblical geography research more clear and simple. The bible geography is not just name records, but it really means something. We try to use the new medium to impact people. Finally, we know this story map work effectively. We are successful in this study by using the story map quickly and effectively to make people understand the meaning of the Abraham in the Bible.



信心之父亞伯拉罕, 聖經地理, ArcGIS 故事地圖, 多媒體電子地圖, 閱讀理解, The Father of Faith Abraham, Bible Geography, ArcGIS Story Maps, Multimedia e-map, Reading Comprehension





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