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唐朝無疑是中國歷史上最輝煌燦爛的年代,強大的國力、政治穩定、經濟貿易繁榮,隨著絲綢之路的開啟,透過不同異域的文化交流,唐朝成為孕育藝術、音樂文化的搖籃。 在與日本文化交流的過程中 遣唐使帶回的《五弦譜》紀載著 唐代最具代表的樂舞《破陣樂》,謠傳是秦王李世民在平定劉武周叛亂時,百姓們為歌頌李世民功業彪炳所做的曲子,後來軍隊的將士們根據民間曲調改編而成《秦王破陣樂》,用以歌頌秦王的政績,此曲後來也流傳至印度、朝鮮等異域。 本研究探究的是古今對於《秦王破陣樂》的理論探討與譯譜分析,唐代的大曲《秦王破陣樂》一度失傳埋沒,直到被日本學者林謙三挖掘,才發現原來日本也保留了部分源自於唐代的敦煌古譜-《五弦譜》,此發現引起不少學者研究,吸引許多作曲家用以題材創作,《秦王破陣樂》流傳至今原先樣貌和功能或許已和現代迥異,但我們仍希望將古老的旋律以不同的方式延續保留下去。 本研究將通過文獻回顧、多媒體音樂賞析和樂譜分析,也透過作曲家訪談,了解樂曲詮釋,最後根據上述歸納總結出本研究論點。
Great power, stable politics and prosperous economy made the Tang Dynasty the most brilliant era in Chinese history. With the opening of Silk Road, the Tang Dynasty became a hotbed for creating art, music and culture through exchanging different cultures with many other countries.  In cultural exchanges with Japan, Japanese ambassadors to the Tang brought back "the Five String Music Scores" which reported "Crushing the Battle Formations" was the most representative dance in the Tang Dynasty. Rumor has it that when Li Shimon pacified the rebellion led by Liu Wuzhou, people composed the music to praise his achievements. Later, "the Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations" was adopted by soldiers according to folks tune to commend the Emperor Qin for his achievements. The music was also spread to India and Korea.  What this paper explores is the theory exploration and translation analysis for "the Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations" from the past to the present.  The great music of the Tang dynasty -- "the Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations" had once been lost before the Japanese scholar, Mr Lin Qian San, found it. Not until then did people realize that Japan had kept "the Five String Music Scores", some parts of which originated from Dunhuang Ancient Music of the Tang dynasty. This discovery inspired quite a few scholars to research and drew many composers' attention to compose musics by it.  Passed down to today, the original version and function of "the Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations" might have been totally different from the modern version, but we still hope that the ancient melody can be retained in a different way.  Firstly, this paper adopts the literature review, multimedia music appreciation, music score analysis and through the interviews with composers to understand the musical interpretation. Finally, it sums up the points of the study based on the above.



敦煌古譜, 秦王破陣樂, 破陣樂, 五弦譜, Dunhuang Ancient Music Scores, the Emperor Qin Crushing the Battle Formations, The Crushing the Battle Formations, Five String Music Scores





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