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閱讀是一切學習的基礎,是我們獲取知識的管道,也是賴以維生的技能之一。 我國政府近年來越發重視閱讀,積極推動閱讀活動並提供各樣資源。然而國內尚未注重的是:閱讀是有階段性的,每個年級或是同年級閱讀能力不同的孩子,對閱讀有著不同的方式、需求和目的,適合的讀本也有所不同。圖書分級的概念在國內還未普及,而國外已有些行之有年的圖書分級系統可供參考。這些國外分級系統的分級原則為何?在中文環境又有哪些面向可做為圖書分級的指標?國內小學的閱讀推薦書單在分級設計的現況為何?老師在進行圖書分級時有哪些考量因素?本研究先了解國外圖書分級系統之發展、分級原則和與實施方式,並整理中文環境進行圖書分級之考量面向,以此為基礎設計問卷,調查國內小學閱讀推薦書單和老師實際進行圖書分級的判斷原則,最後對中文環境建立兒童圖書分級指標提出初步的建議。
In recent years, reading has attracted higher attention by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Many elementary schools has promoted reading actively and got lots of resources to use. However, the concept of “grade reading” and “leveled books” have not been emphasized by educator or public. Each child's knowledge and experience influence his reading ability, because they have different behaviors、information needs and purpose in reading. This is why we need to match books to readers. There are some common leveled books system that we can refer from America and some other countries. What's their principles and measures ? What's the reading level indications we can use in Chinese books? How's the current situation of elementary school recommended book list created by level? When teachers group a book to some level, what factors are they considered? The methods of this study are literature analysis and questionnaire survey. By analyzing the content of foreign leveled books systems, we realize their development、principles and how to practice. Then generalize some level factors for Chinese books. The questionnaire attempt to survey the situation and teacher’s viewpoint of level a book. In the end, this study suggests a preliminary reading level indications for Chinese books.



圖書分級, 分級指標, leveled books, level indications

