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創造力是社會與個人進步的驅動力,面對知識經濟與技術生命週期大幅縮短的環境,更須培育學生具備創造性問題解決的能力。本研究旨在探討個體訊息處理能力與創造性問題解決能力的內涵,並分析二者之間的關聯性,藉以提供教師規劃教學課程與活動設計時之參考,並期許達成培育學生具備創造性問題解決能力之目標。 本研究主要採用相關文獻分析、專家審查、問卷調查等方法進行研究,研究對象為台北市私立高職資料處理科一年級學生,有效樣本數共計60名。以情境式問題引導使學生進行相關活動,藉以收集和分析資料。經由平均數、標準差以及單一樣本t檢定進行現況分析,探討高職資料處理科學生在程式設計思考歷程中,其注意力程度、工作記憶容量、後設認知能力與創造性問題解決能力展現之現況;並以皮爾森積差相關之統計方法探討研究對象的訊息處理能力與創造性問題解決能力間之相關性。 本研究結果發現注意力程度、工作記憶容量、後設認知能力與創造性問題解決能力均呈現顯著的相關性。進一步做細項分析後發現個體的「工作記憶量」與「問題解決能力態度」只呈現低度相關,「創造表現力」分別與「後設認知能力」、「問題解決能力態度」亦呈現低度相關。本研究建議教師在規畫教學活動與課程時,應增加專題式與問題導向的教學活動,以增進培養學生具備創造性問題解決能力。
Creativity is the motivation to drive people and society in progress. Facing the knowledge economic and the environment of the technology life cycle is getting shorter remarkably. Therefore, ability of creative problem solving becomes necessary in cultivating students. The study is to explode the connotation of individual information processing ability and the creative problem solving ability and analyze the correlation between them. Hopefully, it can be a reference to design curriculum and activity for teachers, and also is expected to achieve the goal which students have creative ability to solve problems. Documentary analysis, questionnaires, and expert examination are used in the research. The subjects are the freshman year students who study data processing as major in vocational high school in Taipei. There are 60 effected samples. Situation questions were used in activities and collected and analyzed data simultaneously. The methods of data analysis are mean, standard deviation and one-sample t test which are to discover abilities of attention, working memory capacity, metacognition and creative problem solving of subjects in thinking process of digital design, also explode correlation between abilities of information process and creative problem solving by Pearson correlation. The result presents significant correlation between attention ability, working memory capacity, metacognition and creative problem solving abilities. When data is analyzed further in details, it illustrate that working memory capacity and problem solving attitude are low correlation, also between problem solving attitude, metacogniton and creativity proformance. To sum up, the evidence suggests teachers should add project based learning and problem based learning in order to improve students’ creative ability to solve problems.



訊息處理, 後設認知, 創造性問題解決能力, Information process, Metacognition, Creative Problem Solving ability





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