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本研究旨在瞭解台北市中小企業之服務業從業人員數位學習態度之現況、及影響其相關因素,並探討其電腦態度、網路態度和數位學習態度之間的相關性。經由網路調查問卷收集相關從業人員的背景、電腦態度、網路態度以及數位學習態度之資料。經過資料彙整後,進行單一樣本t考驗、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、典型相關、複相關與多元迴歸、以及逐步多元迴歸等統計考驗。本研究獲致以下結論: 一、台北市中小企業之服務業從業人員,對數位學習的方式抱持觀望的態度傾向。亦即,從業人員對數位學習的方式並不感到排斥,但也未達到接受使用的程度。 二、影響從業人員數位學習態度之個人背景因素,包括:是否曾接觸過數位學習的經驗、性別、教育程度和接觸電腦的時間以及接觸網路的時間之長短。 三、影響從業人員數位學習態度之工作因素,包括:不同的行業別、職務別、職級、主管態度以及同事態度。 四、影響從業人員數位學習態度之環境數位化因素,包括:工作場所數位化程度及家庭環境數位化程度之高低。 五、從業人員的電腦態度傾向會影響其數位學習態度傾向,且兩者間存有正相關。 六、從業人員的網路態度傾向會影響其數位學習態度傾向,且兩者間存有正相關。 七、經由從業人員的電腦態度傾向與網路態度傾向可有效的預測其數位學習態度之傾向。 本研究另針對企業面向、政府面向及教育面向提出六點建議,供相關人士之參考。最後,茲根據本研究在抽樣方式、研究變項及研究方法等方面不足之處,以及在進行研究中所獲得之想法,歸納出幾點建議,以供後續對此研究方向感到興趣的研究者參考。
Objective of this study was to comprehend current e-Learning attitude conditions of service industry jobholders of small and medium enterprise in Taipei city. It also probed into how the jobholders think of computers attitude, internet attitude and e-Learning attitude. By collecting information of the background and computer attitude, internet attitude and e-Learning attitude experience of the jobholder, the internet surveys were analyzed by various methods. They include One-Sample t test, individual samples t test, One-way ANOVA, canonical correlation, multiple correlation and multiple regression, stepwise regression and so on. The followings were the results of this research: 1. The service industry jobholders of small and medium enterprise in Taipei city tended to look on the development of e-Learning attitude. This means that they ware not rejecting the idea of e-Learning, but had not achieved accepted degree. 2. The following background factors affected each jobholder’s view over e-Learning attitude: e-Learning experience, education and time engaged in using computers or internet. 3. The following job factors affected each jobholder’s view over e-Learning attitude: Profession difference, function difference, position difference and attitude of directors and colleagues. 4. The following digital surrounding factors affected each jobholder’s view over e-Learning attitude: Digitalization extent at workplaces or households. 5. Attitude tendency over computers of each jobholder affectsed his/her attitude over e-Learning; and these attitudes were correlated. 6. Attitude tendency over internet of each jobholder affects his/her attitude over e-Learning; and these attitudes were correlated. 7. By knowing the attitude tendencies over computers and internet of each jobholder could effectively project a jobholder’s attitude tendency over e-Learning. Based on the findings and conclusions given six suggestions for three references on the fields of industry, government, and schooling. Lastly, researcher had concluded some propositions over sampling and analyzing variations during this research. Hope they could be references for researchers interested in this study.



中小企業, 服務, 服務業, 數位學習, 態度, 數位學習態度, Small and Medium Enterprise, Service, Service Industry, e-Learning, Attitude, e-Learning Attitude





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