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近年來,由於多媒體科技日新月異,以英語影片作為教學工具,以提升學生的英語能力,逐漸成了一種趨勢。此研究旨在探討字幕的有無對不同英語能力的國中生之字彙學習影響。本研究採準研究設計,研究對象為臺北市一所國中的八年級學生,共一百一十八位。將受試者分成有字幕組(實驗組):六十人、無字幕組(控制組):五十八人。此外,依照受試者英語成就測驗表現,將實驗組及控制組的學生平均分成三組英語能力組別:高成就、中等成就、低成就。本研究為期三個月,在實驗前一個月,所有受試者均接受單字前測,確認所有受試者均未習得本研究影片教材中所要檢測的單字字義,並在實驗第一週完成一份學習前問卷。接著,所有受試者均接受十週的教學實驗,並在整個教學實驗結束後一週完成一份學習後問卷。實驗期間,實驗組和控制組均在未接受相關字彙教學的情況下,進行一週一次的英語影片學習,共使用十部難易度適中的英語發音卡通影片做為實驗教材。每次實驗中,所有受試者均重複觀看影片兩次,看完第一次影片,研究者立即發下閱讀測驗試卷,並接著撥放第二次影片,受試者需於第二次影片撥放的期間完成閱讀測驗,此目的是希望藉由閱讀測驗,引導受試者將注意力放在影片內容理解上。第二次影片撥放結束,所有受試者均立即接受兩種單字測驗,依序為:單字字音辨識測驗、單字字義測驗,以檢測標的字彙(target words)的學習情形。研究結果顯示:有字幕組,在單字字音辨識測驗和單字字義測驗的表現,皆優於無字幕組;此外,透過影片學習單字與學生的英語能力有顯著相關,意即英語能力較佳的學生能夠透過觀賞影片,習得較多的英文單字。最後,根據研究發現,本文亦提出結論及教學建議,提供教師和日後研究作為參考。
This study aims to explore the effects of captioning on (a) aural form recognition and (b) form-meaning mapping of EFL junior high school students at different linguistic levels without formal vocabulary instruction. A quasi-experiment design was adopted, and a total of 118 EFL 8th graders at a junior high school participated in the study. Sixty students were assigned to the captioned condition and the others were assigned to the non-captioned condition (control). The students under the two caption conditions were evenly assigned into three linguistic groups (i.e., high-level, intermediate-level, and low-level) based on their achievements in English. A three-month experiment was conducted; the learning materials involved ten difficulty-appropriate videos from a cartoon series, Olivia, and each was viewed twice under both conditions. A reading comprehension test was given after the first viewing as a tool to focus the students’ attention on the meaning of the message; two vocabulary posttests (i.e., form recognition and vocabulary acquisition tests) were administered immediately after the second viewing. All participants took a vocabulary pretest one month prior to the experiment to evaluate their prior knowledge of the target words and completed pre and post learning questions before and after the learning sessions. The results of the study indicated that the availability of captioning significantly improved the participants’ overall form recognition and vocabulary acquisition. In addition, in both form recognition and vocabulary acquisition, the participants of high linguistic competence acquired substantially more word gains from video viewing than others. These results prove the positive caption effects on EFL middle school students’ incidental vocabulary learning and suggest that learners’ linguistic competence appears to be a crucial factor affecting the efficacy of using authentic captioned video material in language classroom. Pedagogical implications for employing captioned video material to enhance EFL middle school students’ language gains are included.



英語影片, 字幕, 字彙學習, captioning, linguistic competence, incidental vocabulary acquisition





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