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本論文主要目的在了解國中生吸菸行為的現況,並探討個人背景因素(性別、年齡、年級、學業成就、父母親教育程度及父母親婚姻狀況)、心理因素(自尊、吸菸態度及拒菸自我效能)、社會環境因素(依附關係及吸菸角色楷模)與吸菸行為之關係,以及分析其對吸菸行為的預測力。以桃園縣某國民中學九十九學年第一學期全體學生(扣除特教生)共770人為本研究之母群體,採班級為單位之分層集束抽樣法,每年級各選取四班,共12班,並利用結構式問卷蒐集資料,共獲得有效問卷402份,經資料處理與分析採卡方檢定、點二系列相關檢定及Logistic迴歸分析,結果發現: 1.研究對象的吸菸行為與背景因素中的性別、年齡、年級、學業成就及父母親婚姻狀況與吸菸行為有顯著關係;與父母親教育程度無關係存在。 2.研究對象的自尊愈高,吸菸行為的比率愈低。 3.研究對象的吸菸態度愈正向,吸菸行為的比率愈高。 4.研究對象的拒菸自我效能愈強,吸菸行為的比率愈低。 5.研究對象與父親、母親及同儕的依附關係愈緊密,其吸菸行為的比率愈低。 6.研究對象的吸菸角色楷模人數愈多,其吸菸行為的比率愈高。 7.對研究對象吸菸行為具有效預測力的變項為吸菸態度、拒菸自我效能、吸菸角色楷模及父母親婚姻狀況。其中以父母親婚姻狀況影響最大。 其於上述結果,本研究針對未來在預防吸菸教育計畫及相關研究提出建議,以作為未來吸菸教育及實證研究之參考。研究限制在於本研究採橫斷式研究設計,結果無法代表實際因果關係,建議未來的研究可以使用縱貫性的研究設計,以更加確定其間的因果關係。
The main purpose of this paper is to understand the smoking behavior of junior high school students, and to explore the background factors (gender, age, grade, academic achievement, parental education and parental marital status), psychological factors (self-esteem, attitude toward smoking and anti-smoking self-efficacy), social environmental factors (attachment and smoking role models) . Take a total of 770 students (excluding special education students) in a Junior High School in Taoyuan County in the first semester of Ninety-nine school year as the population. Use stratified sampling method. Select four classes in each grade and get a total 12 classes. Collect data with structured questionnaires. 402 valid questionnaires were obtained. Analyze them with the chi-square test, point biserial correlation test, and Logistic regression. The findings included the following: 1.There is a significant relationship between junior high school students’ smoking behavior and background factors of gender, age, grade, academic achievement and parental marital status; and there is no significant relationship between junior high school students’ smoking behavior and parental education level. 2.The higher self-esteem they have, the lower the rates of their smoking behavior are. 3.The more positive attitude toward smoking they have, the higher the rates of their smoking behavior are. 4.The stronger anti-smoking self-efficacy they have, the lower the rates of their smoking behavior are. 5.The closer the attachments with their fathers, mothers and peers are, the lower the rates of their smoking behavior are. 6.The more smoking role models they have, the higher the rates of their smoking behavior are. 7.The effective predictable variables are smoking attitudes, anti-smoking self-efficacy, the number of smoking role models, and marital status of parents. To sum up, marital status of parents has the greatest impact. This study also makes recommendations to educational programs of the prevention of smoking behavior and related research in the future. The limitation of this study is that it doesn’t represent whether the variables are causes or effects because it is a cross-sectional design. A longitudinal study may be used to find out its cause and effects.



國中生, 吸菸行為, 吸菸態度, 拒菸自我效能, 角色楷模, junior high school students, smoking behavior, smoking attitude, anti-smoking efficacy, role model





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