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在現在這個資訊爆炸的時代專利是保護公司技術一個非常重要的資產,即便如此,專利卻比較少被用於一家公司在研發新產品上的策略訂定以及公司的能力分析,故本研究目的就是希望可以提供這樣的範例讓各企業參考。首先一開始會先定義將進行分析的技術範圍,在本研究將以包含物聯網以及智慧家庭的智慧燈控應用作為範例,並以美國專利商標局(USPTO)資料庫來進行專利的檢索,再以得到的結果來建構技術功效矩陣。而為了滿足開發某項產品或是創新的技術,將會混合多準則決策方法,再利用基於網路程序(ANP)的決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)方法來被評估以及決定,接著針對根據專家的意見來進行現階段能力技術以及預期達到的能力技術的差距評估,後續再導入以能力集合擴展為基礎之模糊多目標決策(FMODM)方法分析後做出決策。 根據專家意見分析後,得到主要的擴展技術共有13 個,然後尋找一間C 公司作為研究對象,此公司在燈控方面有多年經驗,因此選擇此公司作為能力擴展的研究對象,在收集完問卷之後,使用能力集合擴展法分析問卷結果,以提供公司產品效益為前提,得到C 公司的最佳擴展路徑。
Nowadays it is an information explosion society, patent is a significant property to companies for preventing techniques revealed. However, patent is less to be used for analyzing the capacity or decision making for a new product in enterprises. That is why this thesis will focus on these point. Smart home application based on IoT will be the example in this research. At the beginning, we will limit the key points and search the patent through USPTO, then analyzing them, using the result to construct technology/functionality matrix. To fulfill the requests like decision making or technology innovation, we will use hybrid MCDM and DEMATEL based on ANP methods which are based on the experts of wireless communication to have evaluations and a decision making. After that, we can evaluate how to achieve new technology based on current resource and technique, then using fuzzy multiple objective decision making (FMODM) based on competence set expansion method to make decision for enterprise. After analyzing the opinions from experts, derived 13 main expanding technologies, then find a C company to be research object which is dedicated to lighting business for a long while. Collected the questionnaires from experts in C Company based on enhancing product benefit, leveraged Competence Set Expansion method to analyze it. Eventually, derived the competence set expanding route based on enhancing product benefit for C Company.



專利檢索, 專利地圖, 模糊能力集合擴展, 決策實驗室分析法, Patent search, Patent map, Fuzzy competence set expansion, DEMATEL





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