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中文摘要 本研究旨在探討高職專題製作課程實施合作學習教學法對學生學習動機、問題解決態度及學習成效影響之研究。根據研究結果,探討可能的原因,提出具體建議,作為九十五學年度電機電子群根據「高職課程暫行綱要」開設專題製作課程之教學參考。 本研究使用不等組前後測,進行為期六週的準實驗研究,實驗組使用合作學習進行教學,控制組則是傳統的教學方式;研究的工具有學習動機量表、問題解決態度量表及8051單晶片學習成效測驗。研究具體結論敘述如下: 壹、合作學習能顯著提昇學生的目標動機、自我效能、學習價值及學習動機整體表現,並且顯著優於傳統教學法的學生。唯考試焦慮無顯著差異。 貳、合作學習能顯著提昇學生的認知取向、自信取向、逃避取向及問題解決態度整體表現,並且顯著優於傳統教學法的學生。 參、合作學習能顯著提升學生的學習成效。 肆、學習動機與問題解決態度有顯著相關。但學習動機與學習成效及問題解決態度與學習成效之間,無顯著的相關。 伍、專題製作課程實施合作學習教學,將有助於提昇學生的學習動機、問題解決態度及學習成效。 關鍵詞:高職、合作學習、專題製作、學習動機、問題解決態度、學習成效
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence vocational high school of students’ learning motivation, problem solving attitude and learning achievement of project work in cooperative learning curriculum. According to the results, possible reasons were probed and practical suggestions were submitted to be the teaching references of Cooperative Learnproject work curriculum based on the “Tentative Curriculum Outline for Departmental Clusters for Vocational High-Schools of 2006” for electrical and electronic group. The six weeks’ experiment was constructed with quasi-experiment pretest-posttest design. The experimental group received the instruction which is cooperative learning teaching model, while the control group received traditional instruction. The research instruments included Learning Motivation Scale, Problem-solving Attitude Scale, and 8051 Single-chip Learning Achievement Scale. The main conclusions of this study are as followings: 1.The experimental group was significantly better in motivation of goal oriented, self-efficacy, the value in learning and learning motivation, but test-anxiety shown no significant difference. 2.The experimental group was significantly better in tendency of recognition, tendency of confidence, tendency of escape and problem-solving attitude. 3.The cooperative learning promoted significantly the learning achievement of students. 4.This study confirmed that the learning motivation and problem-solving attitude was significantly related, but learning achievement was insignificantly related to learning motivation and problem-solving attitude. 5.The project work curriculum in cooperative learning promoted significantly learning motivation, problem-solving attitude and learning achievement. It was worthy of applying wide application. Keywords:Vocational High School, Cooperative Learning, Project Work Curriculum, Learning Motivation, Problem Solving Attitude, Learning Achievement.



高職, 合作學習, 專題製作, 學習動機, 問題解決態度, 學習成效, Vocational High School, Cooperative Learning, Project Work Curriculum, Learning Motivation, Problem Solving Attitude, Learning Achievemen





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