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棒球在台灣一直是一個非常受歡迎的運動,隨著職棒的蓬勃發展,帶動了業餘四級 棒球的興盛。在一場棒球比賽中投手對比賽勝負有著極大的影響,因此過去對投手的投 球有相當多的研究。不過這些研究大多採用大學及職業的選手做為研究對象來了解投球 機制,以基層投手為對象的研究則甚少。回顧過去僅有Fleisig、Barrentine、Zheng 及Escamilla(1999)對不同年齡層的投手進行過研究,結果推論投球動作在國中時期 就已定型並持續到成年,而上肢的速度及力量則隨著年齡增加而增加。至於地面反作用 力及下肢力矩的部份,則缺乏相關資料。使得投手成長過程中的地面反作用力及下肢力 矩與年齡的變化不為人知,限制了我們對投球機制與年齡的了解。因此本研究以國、高 中投手為研究對象,分析其投球時地面反作用力、運動學及動力學參數,並將結果與成 年投手研究做比較,來了解年齡對投球機制的影響。 本研究擬以10名健康國中投手及10名健康高中投手為研究對象,在師大力學實驗室 進行測試。實驗時先在2塊力板前方3公尺處掛1張棒球擋網,在擋網後方放置1長方形目 標(40 *60cm)。實驗開始時受試者先在身上黏貼36顆反光球,以Vicon系統(250Hz)收集 其靜態姿式,再要求受試者對擋網後的目標全力投擲10球,投球受試者時需一腳踩一塊 力板。分析時選取球速最快的3球,先用Visual3d計算運動學及動力學參數,再計算每 位受試者的平均值及標準差,後續以各受試者的平均值進行分析。接著以皮爾遜積差相 關進行球速與各參數間相關性探討,再以t檢定檢測在2組投手的各項參數,顯著水準設 為α=.05。藉由這些分析希望能進一步找出不同年齡層投手投球的運動學及動力學參數 間的差異。
Baseball is a popular sport in Taiwan for a long time. The development of professional baseball league leads the population of amateur. In a baseball game, pitcher is an important role for winning. Hence, there were a lot of studies which is focus on baseball pitching. However most of these studies were specified in adults. In the past years, there was only one literature which was investigate the age differences on the pitcher ( Fleisig、Barrentine、Zheng & Escamilla, 1999). They found that the pitching form is formed in youth and maintain to adult. The velocity and moment of upper limb increase with age. But in their research, there were absence from ground reaction force and lower limb data. Hence, that there was lack of data to define the relationship between ground reaction forces, lower limb moment and age. So in present study, we use junior and senior high school pitcher to be subjects for comparing the pitching difference. 10 senior high school and 10 junior high school pitchers are invited to be subjects. The experiment will be conduct in NTNU sport biomechanics lab, VICON motion capture system will be used to collect 3-D kinematics data (250Hz). Before recording, 36 markers will be attached in the skin of the subject. The anatomical nature position data will be collected in the first trial. Then the subject throws to a target (40×60cm) which is 3 m in front of the force plates. When pitching, the subject should place each foot on a force plate. Ten successful trials will be collected and the fast three trails will used for analysis. The kinetic and kinematics date will be calculated by Visual3d, then find mean and stand deviation for each person. Then Pearson correlation will be used to indicate the relationship between kinetic and kinematics date and age, furthermore t-test will used to find the difference between these two groups. Though this study, it may help to clarity biomechanics data between different ages for pitcher.



