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Department of Education,National Taiwan Normal University


本研究的目的主要是透過「政策倡導聯盟架構」(advocacy coalition framework, ACF) 理論,利用文獻分析法來探討1996至2003年間日本國立大學法人化的政策形成過程。研究發現,藉由分析架構內外部系統的因素與次級政策系統(policy subsystem) 的結構,可獲知在1990年代泡沫經濟、刪除公務員的輿論、首相主導改革的權力擴增與財經部會的壓力背景之下,原本反對法人化的文部科學省和國立大學協會兩個聯盟為鞏固其政策核心信念而放棄次級觀點,並透過政策導向學習(policy-oriented learning) ,改變政策信念(policy belief) ,最後立場轉向贊成法人化。研究亦發現,國立大學法人化並非新的議題,在日本開闊的政策系統下,相關的議題獲得一定程度的討論,並在經過多方的折衝後實現政策。最後,若以日本漫長的倡導過程來看,筆者認為在臺灣推動法人化的背景因素和日本並不相同。近十幾年間在政黨輪替、教職員對於法人化後「非公務員」身分的抗拒與公立大學合併等的新舊改革議題交疊中,短時間內不容易見到法人化的具體進展。
The main purpose of this study is to use Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) and document analysis method in order to explore the process of policy formation of national university corporatization in Japan from 1996 to 2003. It is concluded that in the background of economy bubble collapse in 1990s, strong public opinion for reducing numbers of public servants, increasing power of prime minster and economyrelated authorities, Miinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japan Association of National Universities (lANU) changed their policy believes through giving up second aspects and policy-oriented learning. Also, the author concluded that national university corporatization, as an old issue, had been discussed for a long time in Japan's open political system and carried out through a plenty of compromises in this policy process. At last, due to regime changes in the last decade, faculty's resistance to change of personnel matters, and new agenda about university merge, the author concludes that it will take time if the Taiwanese government insists on pushing the same policy.


