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本研究旨為瞭解1949年前後大陸跨海遷臺世代青年之生命故事與父職歷程,並以驗證「父職資源理論」(Resource Theory of Fathering)之觀點對其等之適用性。訪談12對父子,主要參與者父親年齡均超過90歲,期以兩代的視角瞭解該世代父職與父職資源的樣貌;採質性研究,以半結構式訪談,蒐集資料進行分析。歸納結果發現:一、跨海世代的父職學習來源多樣,「父愛在心」幫助走出己路,其父職參與仍與其原生家庭父親相似,是以認知責任為中心,情感以「管」與「食」行動展現的Cba模式。戰亂離家時,其內在也儲備資源並以培養孩子走出不同的路彌補生命;其中妻子是重要人際資源,也帶來龐大非物質資源。二、由父職資源理論論述跨海世代乃呈現「隱而不顯的情感」、「賺食為重的行為」、「家族為大的認知」的父職參與,以個人能動「求生」、約束家中人事物「求好」、面對困難因應「求助」的資源管理基礎。三、父職資源與管理則因華人文化與遷臺世代的差異而不同,本理論確實為我們提出了一種正向父職管理方向。此外,研究結果也從華人文化中與跨海世代的經驗中,擴展與填補了「父職資源理論」對資源的概念及父職資源管理的實證。本研究為受訪者世代父職經驗和生命賦予輪廓,也依此建議對少子化世代更積極提供父職資源管理認知教育,以助其父職之實踐。
The purpose of this study, based on the resource theory of fathering, is to investigate the fathering experiences of 12 older people who came from mainland China around 1949 and were over 90 years-old now. The qualitative method with semi-structured interviews for both of participates and their sons are used in this study. The main results show: (1) The participates were the supplier of family resources just like their fathers, and discipline and food are the main resources they provided for family. At the same time, their wives were the key person to connect other relatives and friends to bring many non-material resources for living. (2) The resources and management of fathering are different between participates and their fathers. No matter how fathering is involved, it was found that each participates tried their best to get all the resources for family survive and wellbeing, which included emotional, financial, and relational resources. (3) The empirical evidence of this study also tested and extended the" Resource Theory of Fathering " based on Chinese culture and specific generations. The study highlighted on the fathering experiences of the participants and provide a bunch of information for next generation how their can manage their resource to become a better father.
The purpose of this study, based on the resource theory of fathering, is to investigate the fathering experiences of 12 older people who came from mainland China around 1949 and were over 90 years-old now. The qualitative method with semi-structured interviews for both of participates and their sons are used in this study. The main results show: (1) The participates were the supplier of family resources just like their fathers, and discipline and food are the main resources they provided for family. At the same time, their wives were the key person to connect other relatives and friends to bring many non-material resources for living. (2) The resources and management of fathering are different between participates and their fathers. No matter how fathering is involved, it was found that each participates tried their best to get all the resources for family survive and wellbeing, which included emotional, financial, and relational resources. (3) The empirical evidence of this study also tested and extended the" Resource Theory of Fathering " based on Chinese culture and specific generations. The study highlighted on the fathering experiences of the participants and provide a bunch of information for next generation how their can manage their resource to become a better father.
父職, 父職資源理論, 生命歷程, Resource Theory of Fathering, Fathering, Life Course