商店印象、生活型態與忠誠度之關係研究:以 SPACE YOGA 為例
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現代人重視運動對身心所帶來的健康與平靜;健康休閒相關產業急速發展與擴張,其中瑜珈也在台灣形成一股的熱潮。近年來,台灣的瑜珈市場上出現了時尚精品化的新型態,精品化的瑜珈會館提供瑜珈參與者更高品質的運動環境,吸引許多愛好瑜珈的人加入會員。本研究選擇以SPACE YOGA 瑜珈會館為研究範圍,以探究瑜珈會館的空間印象與會員忠誠度之關聯性為何?
本研究以SPACE YOGA 瑜珈會館的會員為問卷調查對象,探討其商店印象、生活型態與忠誠度之間的關聯性。經以電腦統計軟體對300 份有效問卷統計分析結果發現:
壹、商店印象的11 個因素當中,受測者最滿意的是「品牌與專業」。
貳、生活型態的5 個因素當中,受試者最同意的因素是「個性生活」。
肆、會員對SPACE YOGA忠誠度的預測變項為:「空間整潔」、「每個月到SPACE YOGA 練習的頻率」、「行銷方式」、「教育程度」、「鋪面設計」、「職業」,這6 個變項聯合可預測忠誠度20﹪的變異量;其中,屬於空間印象因素的「空間整潔」與「壁面與地面」其可預測的變異量約佔總量的50﹪。
The modern people value exercise which can improve one’s health and can bring tranquility to the body and the mind, the industry about health and leisure in Taiwan has developed and has expanded rapidly. In the last few years, the management of Yoga center in Taiwan appears the new style, which can provide the Yoga participant with movement environment of high quality. SPACE YOGA is conducted to research for this study, also to discover the Yoga Center’s relationship between store image and member loyalty. The purpose of this empirical study was to explore the relationship among store image, life style, and royalty of members. An investigation was conducted to the members of SPACE YOGA. The data collected from 300 samples were analyzed in aid of SPSS computing software. The statistically significant findings were as follows: 1. Among the 11 factors of space image, “brand and speciality” was the most satisfied one. 2. Among the 5 factors of life style, “Individuality lifestyle” was the most satisfied one. 3. There were significant and positive correlations between most factors of store image, life style, and loyalty. 4. There were six predictive variables for loyalty; the total explained variance was 20%, and two factors of store image possessed 10% of the total explained variance. This result showed the substantial effect of space design on member royalty. These findings were expected to be helpful for the planning and designing of commercial spaces.
The modern people value exercise which can improve one’s health and can bring tranquility to the body and the mind, the industry about health and leisure in Taiwan has developed and has expanded rapidly. In the last few years, the management of Yoga center in Taiwan appears the new style, which can provide the Yoga participant with movement environment of high quality. SPACE YOGA is conducted to research for this study, also to discover the Yoga Center’s relationship between store image and member loyalty. The purpose of this empirical study was to explore the relationship among store image, life style, and royalty of members. An investigation was conducted to the members of SPACE YOGA. The data collected from 300 samples were analyzed in aid of SPSS computing software. The statistically significant findings were as follows: 1. Among the 11 factors of space image, “brand and speciality” was the most satisfied one. 2. Among the 5 factors of life style, “Individuality lifestyle” was the most satisfied one. 3. There were significant and positive correlations between most factors of store image, life style, and loyalty. 4. There were six predictive variables for loyalty; the total explained variance was 20%, and two factors of store image possessed 10% of the total explained variance. This result showed the substantial effect of space design on member royalty. These findings were expected to be helpful for the planning and designing of commercial spaces.
商店印象, 生活型態, 忠誠度, Store image, Life style, Loyalty