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台灣位在歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓海板塊交界上,島內生物多樣性極高,除了長期居留在台灣的本地物種外,還包括大量的遷徙性物種,如鳥類。在鳥類中,候鳥具有遷徙能力,而台灣的野生鳥類中有超過一半屬於候鳥,牠們之中不論是過境、渡冬或來台灣夏候、迷途,因為主要是水鳥,所以大多棲息於台灣沿海地區。   在2001年4月至2002年3月份研究期間內,本研究樣區內共出現約36科123種鳥類,其中水鳥種數約有73種,陸鳥約有50種。研究區內鳥種的季節變化趨勢是以春、秋兩季鳥種最多、夏季最少,這與樣區內候鳥比例較高有關。鳥類總隻次則以冬季最多、夏季最少,主要受到冬候鳥族群種優勢鳥種數量龐大有關。各樣區由於棲地自然與人文環境的條件不盡相同,適合於該棲地的優勢鳥種也有所差異,如潮間帶樣區許厝港的優勢鳥種為冬候鳥黑腹濱鷸;旱田樣區大平頂則為冬候鳥金斑鴴;水田樣區沙崙為冬候鳥小水鴨;水田樣區古亭為留鳥麻雀與冬候鳥鷹斑鷸;埤塘樣區富竹村2支18池為冬候鳥鳳頭潛鴨 台灣西部沿海溼地範圍很廣,綿長的潮間帶亦適合候鳥的棲息,早期沿海地區開發稀少,候鳥主要棲地的干擾問題不算嚴重,近年來則因追求經濟成長,在沿海地區大量開發的交通工程、工業區、垃圾掩埋場等都讓這些原先的棲地品質惡化或消失。另一方面,社會大眾環保意識抬頭,政府開始在野生動植物豐富的區域劃定保護區,也有海岸法等立法對於環境敏感區的保護。但是大部分的海岸地區的環境品質仍遭受污染與破壞。 本研究探討處未被法案保護下的鳥類棲地,鳥類多樣性已受到土地利用變遷的影響,進而尋找在這種棲地的保育機制,俾使達到開發利益與生態效益雙贏的永續經營途徑。
The biodiversity in Taiwan is in evidence since it is located on the border of the plates on earth. Besides a great deal of residents, many traveling species make their temporarily halts on the island, such as migratory birds. However, half bird species in Taiwan are travelers and the waterbirds are possessed of great amount that many of them roost along or near the coastal area. 36 families and 123 species of birds were found in four sample areas during April 2001 to March 2002, which included 73 waterbird-species and 50 landbird-species. Due to the high proportion of traveling birds in the sample areas, the amount of bird species varied seasonally that it demonstrates higher in spring/fall and represents sparse in summer. Furthermore, a large number winter visitors, the dominant species, bring about the maximum amount of birds in winter. As the environmental condition is different from each other among sample areas, the dominant species in each area has its uniqueness which is just like the dunlins in the tidal flats, the pacific golden plovers in dry farms, the green-wing teals in rice field A, the sparrows and wood sandpipers in rice field B, and the tufted ducks in pond areas. The extensive wetlands on the west coast of Taiwan provided habitats for many birds whether visitors or residents during early period. While the government began to strive to pile up some man-made works along the coast two decades ago, both the amount of birds and bird species declines significantly these days. In the mean time, the enhanced conservation issues recently force the government to protect coasts, yet there are still lots of unofficial protected areas under polluted and destroyed now. The thesis discusses the biodiversity of birds in unprotected habitats which is affected by humans, and devotes to keep our balance between the economic benefits and environmental ecology.



生物多樣性, 永續經營, 保育地, 溼地, 非法定保育地, 候鳥





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