

本研究旨在探討國內中小學學校創新經營與競爭優勢的現況,剖析不同背景變項、環境變項知覺學校創新經營與競爭優勢的差異情形,探討學校創新經營與競爭優勢間的關係,並根據研究發現與結論,提出建議供有關單位參考。 為達致上述目的,本研究採用文獻分析、問卷調查以及個案研究等研究方法。在問卷調查部份,以公立國民中小學之校長、行政人員與教師為研究對象,抽取台灣地區100所學校(包括公立國中與公立國小各50所),共寄發問卷1,460份,實得有效問卷1,057份;在個案研究部分,則選取曾獲得「全國中小學學校經營創新獎」三所中小學(包括二所國小與一所國中),以深入了解學校創新經營與競爭優勢間的關係。本研究的結論與建議如下: 一、結論 (一)自我的使命感與成就感是促成學校人員進行創新經營之最主要且最具效果的動力來源。 (二)擔任行政職務或國小層級之學校人員認知「校長」促發創新經營力量之程度較高;國中層級以及12班(含)以下之學校人員認知「提昇學校競爭力」促發學校創新經營的力量之程度較高。 (三)教學創新為學校創新經營的主要焦點,而社會資源運用創新則有待學校人員的進一步重視。 (四)學校創新經營的推動以漸進的方式為主。 (五)一般學校創新經營以模仿性創新居多,創新經營有成的學校則以再造性創新為主。 (六)學校創新經營並未有單一的最佳發展模式存在。 (七)教師與校長是影響學校創新經營的關鍵因素,而學生對於學校創新經營的影響則偏低。 (八)教師認為教師同儕對於學校創新經營的影響力高於校長,而擔任行政職務者的看法則相反。 (九)國內學校創新經營的運作情形趨於中高程度,以「組織文化創新」層面的程度最高,「行政管理創新」層面的程度最低。 (十)學校行政人員、國小、12班(含)以下以與49班(含)以上的學校以及偏遠地區學校對於學校創新經營運作情形之知覺程度較高。 (十一)學校人員認為評估學校競爭優勢應以學校成員的素質為首要,然一般社會大眾則以學校形象、聲望及特色為主。 (十二)無論學校競爭優勢之應然面與實然面,財務狀況皆非評估學校競爭優勢之主要內涵。 (十三)國內學校競爭優勢的運作情形趨於中等程度,其中以「組織能力優勢」層面的程度為最高,「區位優勢」層面的程度為最低。 (十四)校長、碩士(含)以上、國小、49班(含)以上以及都市地區與偏遠地區對於學校競爭優勢運作情形之知覺程度較高。 (十五)學校創新經營整體及各層面與學校競爭優勢,具有中高程度的正相關。 (十六)環境設備創新、社會資源運用創新、組織文化創新及學校活動創新四層面,可有效解釋學校競爭優勢運作情形,其中以環境設備創新為最高。 二、建議 (一)對教育行政機關的建議 1.將創新的意願、動機、能力以及績效列入教師評鑑的內容。 2.建立專家教師制度,給予具有創新知能的學校人員更大發揮空間。 3.將創新經營績效列入校長及學校的評鑑項目。 4.運用標竿學習,表揚創新典範以激勵士氣,並作為學校人員的學習對象。 5.建立創新社群,互相合作並分享創新經驗。 6.教育政策須能支持引導學校進行創新經營、發揮競爭優勢。 7.學區就學制度彈性化,擴大學校競爭的範圍。 8.改善教育資源分配方式,重視資源運用績效。 (二)對國民中小學的建議 1.共同建議 (1)運用實習教師激發同儕成長動力。 (2)任用專家教師擔任學校創新經營團隊的領導者。 (3)學校須以深入、客觀、多元及正向的角度去檢視競爭優勢。 (4)學校依據其競爭優勢發展狀況,運用創新經營突顯學校特色。 (5)學校教育資訊宜更為透明化。 (6)運用學校活動有效整合與呈現創新經營績效。 (7)重視學校行銷與公關。 (8)創新經營宜以學校優勢為基礎,尊重舊有的經驗與傳統。 (9)以漸進、系統化的方式推動創新經營。 (10)建立學校創新經營團隊的工作型態。 (11)實施工作輪調,協助成員了解學校創新經營的整體運作過程。 2.個別建議 (1)國中部份:a.運用創新經營,營造多樣的學校競爭優勢;b.創新經營宜配合學校特性並融入日常運作;c.簡化創新經營的實施程序;d.學校應重視社區溝通與資源統合。 (2)國小部份:a.擴大教師同儕對學校創新經營的正向影響力;b.學校應營造有利於創新的組織文化;c.學校需運用制度與資訊系統來型塑並維續學校創新文化d.學校創新經營應以學生為主體。 (三)對校長的建議 1.給予學校成員更多創意與專業的發展空間。 2.融入企業管理的理念與策略。 3.重視人力資源的培養、發掘、運用與統合。 4.採取寬嚴並濟的領導方式。 5.接納挫折,勇於承擔責任。 6.積極參與,以身作則。 (四)對後續研究者的建議 1.研究焦點方面,建議針對不同類型學校或創新經營、競爭優勢的相關議題進行研究。 2.研究對象方面,建議擴大樣本選取範圍。 3.研究方法方面,建議採取縱貫性研究,運用人種誌的研究方式,以了解學校創新經營及其競爭優勢的發展過程。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of school innovative management and competitive advantage in elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan. The perceptual differences between school innovative management and competitive advantage were also tested by various demographic variables and environmental variables. Moreover, the researcher explored the relationships between school innovative management and competitive advantage. Based upon the research findings and conclusions, suggestions would be offered. to the concerned authorities for reference. This study was accomplished with the process of literature analysis, questionnaire survey and case study. A total of 1,460 public school principals, staffs, and teachers randomly were chosen out of 100 schools (50 elementary schools and 50 junior high schools) in Taiwan for the questionnaire survey samples and 1,057 valid copies were returned. Additionally, the researcher selected three excellent schools (2 elementary schools and 1 junior high school) winning the competition of innovative school management nationwide in Taiwan as subjects of the case study to understand the relationships between school innovative management and competitive advantage more deeply. The conclusions are as following: (1)School personnel’s senses of missions and achievement are the main and the most powerful origins of school innovative management. (2)School administrators and elementary school personnel’s awareness of principals’ influence for school innovative management is scored higher, moreover, as for school personnel in junior high schools and schools with less than 12 classes are concerned, the influence of “lifting school competitiveness “ is scored higher. (3)Innovative teaching is the focus of school innovative management; however, innovative use of social resources needs school personnel’s further attention. (4)School innovative management is mostly promoted in a gradual way. (5)The major innovation type in regular schools is imitation innovation , but in the schools excellent in innovation is improvement innovation. (6)There is not the only one best development model of school innovative management. (7)Teachers and principals are key factors in school innovative management; however, the influence of the students is the lowest. (8)Teachers think that colleagues’ influence for school innovative management more than principals’, however, administrators are just the reverse. (9)The awareness of the current situation of school innovative management is scored medium to high. Among all aspects of school innovative management, “ organizational cultures” aspect is scored the highest, but “administration and management” aspect is scored the lowest. (10)About the status of school innovative management, the awareness of respondents with some backgrounds is scored higher. They include school administrators, school personnel in elementary schools, schools with more than 49 classes or less than 12 classes, and out-city schools. (11)School personnel value qualities of school members the most when they assess school competitive advantage. (12)No matter from the theoretical or factual view, the status of school finance is the least valued when respondents assess school competitive advantage (13)The status of school competitive advantage is scored medium. Among all the aspects of school competitive advantage, “organizational capability” advantage is scored the highest, but “location” advantage is the lowest. (14)About status of school competitive advantage, the awareness of respondents with some backgrounds is scored higher. They include principals, school personnel with a master degree, in elementary schools, schools with more than 49 classes, city schools and out-city schools. (15)There is a medium to high positive relationship between the whole school innovative management or its individual aspect and school competitive advantage. (16)Four aspects, including innovative facilities, innovative use of resources, innovative culture, and innovative activities can effectively explain the conditions of school innovative management; moreover, among them, innovative facilities is scored the highest. Based on the above conclusions, several suggestions were made for educational administrations, elementary and junior high schools, principals and further researchers.



創新經營, 競爭優勢, 國民中小學, innovative management, competitive advantage, elementary and junior high schools

