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本研究旨在針對高中十二年級之國文教學改作國際文憑大學預科(IBDP)之中 文課程,探討經不同的教學設計、教學方法所帶動的學習方式將對學生的學習行為有什麼影響,分析此課程的教學過程,並就實施的狀況與問題設想因應的策略 。本研究採行動研究法,以探討學生在IBDP 語言A:語言與文學課程中語言部分的學習歷程為主,研究者將蒐集課堂觀察記錄、教學省思日誌、訪談記錄、學習單、錄影與相片以為研究資料。 據此研究過程,所得之研究結論有三:一是IBDP 學習模式改變傳統國文的 課程規劃與教學設計模式;二是IBDP 語文A:語言與文學課程對學生的學習經驗具正向影響;三是國文老師需增廣專業知能因應IBDP 之多元課程。 再依研究結論提出三項建議,以為日後IBDP 語文A:語言與文學課程實施於 十二年級國文課作準備:一、對於IBDP 的課程規劃與設計應考量學生之學習經驗、教學時數及評量方式;二、IBDP 教師備課時應組成教學PLC,亦應於日常積累語言與文學知識,並積極參與研習以增廣專業知能。
The aim for this research was to discuss the impact for the learning behavior of student in the 12th grade of senior high school after change the teaching method to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). In this research, it was also makes a further discussion on teaching design and teaching methods. And to analyzes the teaching process of this course, and envisages corresponding strategies for the situation and problem of implementation. This research adopts action research method, to studying the students in the IBDP language A: The main point was based on language learning process between language and literature courses. Researcher will collecting the classroom observation records、teaching reflection journal、interview records、learning sheets、videos and photographs as research materials. According to the research process, there are three conclusions in the research. First, IBDP learning mode changes the course planning and teaching design mode in the Chinese class. Second, IBDP Language A has a positive impact on student’s learning experience in the language and literature courses. Third, The Chinese teacher needs to improve their professional knowledge to manage IBDP Language A. Basis on the above research conclusions, there are three suggestions for future IBDP Language A: language and literature courses implemented in the 12th grade Chinese Lesson preparation. First, for IBDP class planning and design should consider the student's learning experience, teaching hours and assessment methods. Second, the IBDP’s teachers should be organized the teaching PLC, and also should increase themselves professional knowledge frequently. Moreover, actively participate in seminar to increase the wide professional knowledge is recommend.



國際文憑, IBDP, 語文, 語言與文學, 高中國文, 行動研究, International Diploma, IBDP, Language, Language and Literature, High school’s Chinese, Action research





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