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本研究的目的是:一、描述智障者上階梯之動作特徵;二、探討智障者上階梯之動作特徵與其平衡能力的相關;三、探討智障者上階梯之動作特徵與其下肢肌力的相關;四、探討不同障礙程度智障者上階梯之動作特徵之差異。 研究以就讀於國立桃園啟智學校高職部,可以獨立行走,並無肢體或視聽力、情緒障礙之智障學生為對象。經篩選出符合可以獨立行走,並無肢體、視力、或情緒障礙之智障學生187名,平均年齡17.3±1.09歲。動態平衡以八呎起立走為測驗項目,靜態平衡以閉眼單腳站立為測驗項目,下肢肌力以三十秒椅站立為測驗項目。並以經專家效度檢定之「智障者上階梯動作特徵檢查表」對智障者上階梯動作特徵進行評分。 結果發現:1. 智障程度越重者,其上階梯的動作特徵越趨於雙手不自然抬高、僵硬,身體向前傾,上階速度減緩。2.智障者在上階梯之手部動作、身體傾斜程度、及上階速度與其平衡能力相關(p<.o1)。3. 智障者在上階梯之手部動作、身體傾斜程度、及上階速度與其下肢肌力相關(p<.o1)。4.智障者手部動作、身體傾斜程度、及上階速度項目於不同障礙程度間達顯著差異(p<.o1)。重度智障者下肢肌力、平衡能力明顯差於中度智障者,造成重度智障者在上階梯之手部動作、身體姿勢、上階速度表現亦明顯不如中度智障者,這和手部動作、身體姿勢、上階速度與下肢肌力、平衡能力明顯相關之結果相符。 關鍵詞:上階梯動作特徵、平衡能力、下肢肌力
The purposes of this study were to show: 1.the stair-climbing characteristics in individuals with mental disabilities, 2. correlation between stair-climbing characteristics and balance abilities in individuals with mental disabilities, 3. correlation between stair-climbing characteristics and lower limb strength in individuals with mental disabilities, and 4. stair-climbing characteristics difference between individuals with moderate and severe mental disabilities. The subjects are 187 students with mental disabilities without physical, visual, auditory and emotional disabilities, average age 17.3(±1.09)years old, from National Tao-Yuan School for the Mental Retardation. 8-feet up and go test and eye-closed-one-leg stance test, were used to evaluate subjects’ balance abilities, and 30-second chair stand test was used to evaluate subjects’ lower limb strength. A 「Check List on Stair-climbing Characteristics in Individuals with Mental Disabilities」was designed to evaluate the stair-climbing characteristics in individuals with mental disabilities. The results are: 1. the individuals with more severe disability tend to elevate arms with stiffness, incline upper body forward, and lower climbing speed, 2. the arm motion, body inclination, and climbing speed are significantly correlated (p<.o1) to balance abilities, 3. the arm motion, body inclination, and climbing speed are significantly correlated (p<.o1) to lower limb strength, 4. a significant difference (p<.o1) of stair-climbing characteristics was found between individuals with moderate and severe mental disabilities. The better balance abilities and lower limb strength in individuals with moderate mental disabilities might result in better arm motion, body inclination, and climbing speed than the ones with severe mental disabilities according to the correlation within better arm motion, body inclination, climbing speed and balance abilities and lower limb strength. Key words: stair-climbing characteristics, balance abilities, lower limb strength



上階梯動作特徵, 平衡能力, 下肢肌力, stair-climbing characteristics, balance abilities, lower limb strength





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