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本論文在釐清軍事學門的範圍與類別,分析臺灣軍事學門發展現況,並提出軍事學建構策略的建議,以供決策單位參考。試圖回答何謂「軍事學」?軍事學門的範圍與類別為何?當前世界各國軍事學門的發展走向為何?臺灣軍事學發展現況、限制及策略為何?等問題。 軍事學定義應有廣義與狹義之分,廣義的軍事學定義為研究戰爭的知識體系,範圍隨科技、戰具、軍隊編組的改變而滲入、改變、擴大;狹義的軍事學是指研究作戰的知識體系,也就是兵學。軍事學研究的層級,不會因時代的演進而變化。軍事學建構有多重限制,主導者為政府,在政府及民間的文人必須參與,才能拙壯。軍事學在古代是經驗的累積,變數簡化,是從實踐到理論的過程;現代受人工智慧及電腦的輔助,變數掌握與預測更精準,加速理論到實踐的過程。軍事學在國際軍事交流下,更為豐富多元。 軍事學門與教育學門成立相似,與軍事相關的學科,初期仍按現行學科體系劃分,俟發展成熟後再歸併於軍事學門內。 建構軍事學門體系的條件有:經軍事教育專業訓練的教師、設有軍事專業碩、博士學位、有專業從事軍事學門的研發單位、出版軍事期刊及專書、有軍事專業的研究社群或學會、文武大學開設軍事專業課程、上層支持穩定政策等。 軍事學門認證權責單位應由國防部與教育部認證與核覆,或由教育部委託專業組合共同認定;推動與主管軍事學門發展、研究的主要機關,國防大學責任不可免;軍事學實際研究與執行機關為各級軍事專業教育院校、大專院校國防教育部門;軍事學門學位核定機關為各學院。軍事學門或學科的研發體系的建構層級在學校;軍事學門的發展策略無法按調查結果,仍應採由下而上策略。 軍事學門發展配套措施明顯不足,應制定發展計畫與預算,各院校系所軍事學科自我評鑑週期訂定為一至兩年。大部份受到成員願意參與建構軍事學科的工作,並期待有良好工作環境、獲得長官肯定、持續性的政策、決心與行動與經費支持等。
The purpose of this paper is to clarify of the scope and the category of military disciplines, analyze to the present situation of military discipline development in Taiwan, and suggest strategy for constructing military to discipline policy-makers. The major findings of this paper are as follows: The definitions of military disciplines should have two kinds: the broad sense and the narrow one. So-called military disciplines in the broad sense refer to the study of war knowledge system, which would change, permeate, and expand, when science and technology were improved. In the narrow sense, military disciplines refer to the study the combat knowledge system, namely the military sciences. The level for inquiring military disciplines will not change according to the evolution. The construction of military disciplines has many limits, so government should play the leading role. Both civil servants and scholars must positively participate in order to promote this idea besides officers. In ancient times, the military disciplines study were the accumulation of experience and whose variables were simple. Its process was from practices to the theory. In modern ages, with the help of artificial wisdoms and the computer assistance, there are more abilities to control the variables, make more precise predictions, and increase the processes of putting theory into practice. Nowadays, because of international Military interchanges, military disciplines had become more abundant and plentiful. The establishment of military sciences is similar to that of educational sciences, in the initial period divided disciplines will progress and be classified according to the present knowledge framework, when it matures, it will form a system of military disciplines. The system of military disciplines should be constructed under the following necessary conditions: having teachers with he professional military education, providing master and/or doctorate degree programs, having profession units which are dedicated to the research and development of Military Disciplines, publishing professional periodicals, forming the professional society or study groups, providing the professional curriculum in civil and military university, and being supported by the high level officers sterilely as well as. The division of labor is as follows: academic degrees of military disciplines should be accredited by Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Education, or the related educational organizations authoring by the Ministry of Education. The National Defense University should take the certain responsibility to promote the research and development of military disciplines; as to the practical work, it should be undertaken by those specialized military colleges and national defense education departments in each civil university. Higher degrees in Military Disciplines could be granted by those specific institutions above-mentioned. Although the research and development of military disciplines depend on those universities, the strategy for developing military disciplines should take the bottom-up one, not the top-down one. The necessary supports for promoting the military disciplines are obvious insufficient. Those colleges or universities should design the developing plans, strive for budgets, set up a self-evaluation mechanics and realize it. The majority of participants of this survey have the willingness to take part in the construction of military disciplines, hope a good working environment, obtain the encouragements from the senior officers and are supported by the continuing policy, the determinations and the motivation and the financial support as well.



軍事學, 軍事教育, 國防大學, 國防教育, military disciplines, military education, National Defense University, defense education

