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本研究目的在於檢測計畫行為理論在規律運動行為方面的預測效果, 並且加入行動控制變項來瞭解行為意圖與行為之間的作用機制,發展出規律運動行為的影響因素模式。立意選取某科技大學選修某通識課程所有學生,共360名為對象,採取縱貫性研究,利用三份自編結構問卷,在二個月內重覆施測三次。所得資料以SPSS for Window 17.0及LISREL 8.8進行統計分析。 重要結果如下: 壹、 計畫行為理論內變項對規律運動行為意圖及行為的解釋情形 態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制等三個變項可以解釋行為意圖56%的變異量。知覺 行為控制與行為意圖兩個變項可以解釋行為24%的變異量。 貳、 行動控制在行為意圖及行為之間的作用情形 行動控制在行為意圖及行為之間扮演著部分中介的角色。行為意圖對行為具有.33的總效果,其中直接效果為.09,透過行動控制對行為產生.24的間接效果。行動控制也對前後兩次行為意圖的變化產生顯著影響。 參、 規律運動影響因素的模式 假設模式經過模式修正之後,最終模式與樣本資料不論在基本適配指標、整體適配度或內在結構適配度方面,均顯示與本研究資料有良好的適配。 最後,本研究針對大學生規律運動教育策略及未來研究方面提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the predicted effects of the Theory of Planned Behavior and the mechanism of the mediation of Action Control on regular exercise behavior. A longitudinal study was conducted, 360 college students recruited from a liberal art class of a Technical University located in Southern part of Taiwan were tested three times repeatedly within two months. The instrument of this study was three self-developed structured questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed by SPSS for Window 17.0 and LISREL 8.8. The important findings were as follows: 1. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control could explain 56% of the variance in behavioral intention. Perceived behavioral control and behavioral intention could explain 24% of the variance in behavior. 2. The action control between the behavioral intention and behavior played a role of partial meditation. Total effect of behavioral intention on behavior were .33 which consisted of .09 direct effect and .24 indirect effect mediated by action control. Action control also significantly affect the change from the first to the second behavioral intention. 3. The final model, the hypothetical model proposed in this study after modification, whether in basic fit indicators, the overall goodness of fit or the internal structure of goodness of fit, showed a good fit with the data of this study. Finally, the strategy for regular exercise education of the college students and the direction for future research were recommended as well.



計畫行為理論, 行動控制, 規律運動行為, the Theory of Planned Behavior, Action Control, Regular Exercise Behavior

