

台北市國中生家庭暴力態度之研究 摘 要 我國在1998年6月24日公布「家庭暴力防治法」後,政府一直致力於推動家庭暴力防治教育,要求各個國中小學要給學生上兩性平權的觀念與家庭暴力防治之課程,期能將兩性平權的概念落實在基本的國民教育之中。雖然這幾年政府及民間都致力於推行兩性平權及家庭暴力防治教育工作,但實際上兩性平權的教育對國中生的認知影響為何?是否真能有效增加青少年對兩性平權的概念?本研究採用量化研究的方式去了解國中生在接受兩性平權教育後對家庭暴力的認知態度。 本研究回收688份問卷,研究對象為台北巿國中一、二年級的學生,男、女比率各半,年齡約在14-16歲間。在本研究中,主要是針對國中生對家庭暴力相關知識、家庭暴力迷思與是否為家庭暴力受害者三部份來討論國中生對家庭暴力態度的主觀感受。 經由文獻探討與問卷統計分析的結果如下: 一、國中生自認為自己的家庭暴力防治知識是足夠的。 二、國中生認為家庭中發生家庭暴力會使他們缺乏安全感。 三、國中生不會因為看到使用家庭暴力解決問題,就認為武力是解決問題的好方法。 四、 國中生在家庭暴力迷思的態度方面,不認為「暴力解決家庭問題」、「家暴不會出現在日常生活中」、「女性是弱者」、「家醜不可外揚」、「家庭暴力令人有無力感」等觀念是正確的。 五、 只有少數國中生承認自己曾受到家庭暴力。 六、在承認自己受到家庭暴力的國中生中,有一半左右的人會向外求助。 由於家庭暴力著重事前預防,因此透過正式教育來宣導家庭暴力防治的重要性,是奠定家庭暴力防治的基礎。根據本次調查結果提出建議,期望能對未來家庭暴力防治導工作能有幫助。 總之,本文建議:學校課程安排可以多樣化的兩性平權的觀念與家庭暴力防治之課程,讓學生能有正確的兩性平權理念與態度。目賭家庭暴力兒童的社會心理處遇工作,避免家庭暴力受害人的子女人格受到扭曲。設計良好的家庭暴力案件的通報管道,期望由學校的校安系統做單一窗口的通報,同時學校老師能辨識高危險群的暴力學生,以提供完善的服務與教育。
An Investigation on Cognition and Attitude toward Domestic Violence of Junior High School Students in Taipei Abstract The “Domestic Violence Prevention Act” was implemented in June 24, 1998 in Taiwan. Gender equality concept and domestic violence prevention education have been eagerly promoted by the government in all elementary and junior high schools. Both issues are emphasized and carried out, yet how greatly gender equality education influences junior high school students? Is such an education program beneficial for students to recognize the essence of gender equality? This research tries to investigate junior high students’ cognition and attitude toward domestic violence after receiving gender equality education based on a quantitative methodology. There were 688 questionnaires collected and subjects are junior high students in the first and second grades, aged from 14 to 16, in Taipei (gender ratio 1:1). This study focused on three major parts: (1) the knowledge of domestic violence, (2) the myth of domestic violence, and (3) if they are victims of domestic violence. After reviewing related references and statistical analysis, the findings are the following: (1) Junior high students believe that they have adequate knowledge on domestic violence prevention. (2) Junior high students think that domestic violence leads to the loss of sense of security. (3) Junior high students do not consider violence as a way of solution, though they had witnessed violent events. (4) Regarding to the myth of domestic violence, they do not agree at statements such as “Violence can solve family problems,” “Domestic violence do not occur in daily life,” “Women are weak,” “Domestic shame should not be make public,” and “Domestic violence results in a sense of powerlessness.” (5) Few subjects admitted as victims of domestic violence. (6) Among abused subjects, 50% would ask for help. Prevention is the foundation for domestic violence, so it is extremely important to promote it through education. This research provides suggestions and it is expected that this study contributes to the prevention of domestic violence. Courses on gender equality and domestic violence should be offered in schools. Children who witness domestic violent events need to be well assisted and managed to avoid distorted personality. A reporting system on domestic violence should be set up. Schools are expected to provide one-stop service through “school safety system”, also they are required to distinguish students at high risk.



家庭暴力, 態度, Attitude, Domestic Violence





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