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本研究旨在探討臺北市國民中學教師兼任組長工作壓力與留任行政職務意願之間的關係,本研究以國民中學教師之性別、年齡、服務年資、累計兼任行政工作年資、所屬處室、最高學歷與學校規模為背景變項,工作壓力為中介變項,以留任行政職務意願為依變項,分析背景變項與工作壓力、分析背景變項與留任行政職務意願之關係及探討工作壓力對留任行政職務意願的影響。 本研究以 108 學年度服務於臺北市國民中學之兼任組長行政職教師為研究對象,進行問卷調查研究。問卷包含第一部份為「個人基本資料」,第二部份為「工作壓力量表」,第三部份為「留任行政職務意願量表」。工作壓力量表包含行政負荷、人際關係、專業知能、上級壓力四個構面,留任行政職務意願量表包含個人成就、薪資福利、組織認同、系統支持四個構面。問卷資料採用信度檢驗、描述性統計分析、皮爾森相關分析、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。 本研究根據文獻探討與調查研究之分析,得到以下結論: 一、臺北市公立國民中學兼任組長行政職務教師對工作壓力認知程度為中等水準,其中以對「行政負荷」層面壓力的知覺程度最高,其次依序是「專業知能」層面及「人際關係」層面,而「上級壓力」層面壓力的知覺較低。 二、臺北市公立國民中學兼任組長行政職務教師對留任意願認知程度也為中等水準。其中以「組織認同」層面留任意願因素的知覺程度最高,其次為「系統支持」層面,再者為「個人成就」層面,而「薪資福利」層面相對較低。 三、臺北市國民中學兼任組長行政職務教師對工作壓力知覺,會因個人的年齡、學歷、服務年資、擔任行政工作年資,以及所處學校規模等因素的不同,而有明顯的差異,但不會因性別與所任職處室之不同而有所差異。 四、臺北市國民中學兼任組長行政職務教師在留任意願知覺上,會因其性別、年齡、學歷、服務年資、行政工作年資及任職處室之不同而有顯著差異,但不會因其所處學校規模大小而有所差異。 五、臺北市國民中學兼任組長行政職務教師的工作壓力與留任意願雖普遍呈現低度負相關,且解釋力較小。就工作壓力各層面言,以「行政負荷」最具預測力,其次為「專業知能」。
The purpose of this study is to explore the current status of working stress and the willingness of reappointment as the section chief administrators of junior high school teachers in Taipei City, and furthemore, to find the differences in working stress and the willingness of reappointment as administrators reflected by the sample’s background variables and the relationship between working stress and the willingness of reappointment as the section chief administrators. The population was targeted at the section chief administrators of junior high school teachers in Taipei city in the academic year of 2019. This study took questionnaire survey as study tool and the data from the questionnaire were statistically analyzed and presented by reliability analysis, descriptive statistics and analysis, Pearson’s analysis of correlation, independent-Sample t-test, One-way ANOVA, and regression analysis. The conclusions and suggestions of the research were described as follows: 1. The degree of the overall working stress that the junior high school teachers with the section chief administrators positions in the Taipei City was moderate, and the degree of “working load ” was ranked the highest and “superior pressure” was rated the lowest. 2. The degree of the overall willingness of reappointment that the junior high school teachers with the section chief administrators positions in the Taipei City was moderate, and the degree of “Organizational identity ” was ranked the highest and “Salary and benefits” was rated the lowest. 3. The degree of the working stress that the junior high school teachers with the section chief administratrative positions in Taipei City varies from their age, educational background, years of service, years of administrative work and the highest education. 4. The degree of the willingness of reappointment that the junior high school teachers with the section chief administrators positions in the Taipei City varies from their gender, age, educational background, years of service, years of administrative work, office, highest education. 5. The correlation of the junior high school teachers with the section chief administrators positions in Taipei City between the working stress and the willingness of reappointment is low negative correlation.



工作壓力, 留任意願, 國民中學教師, working stress, the willingness of reappointment as administrators, teachers of junior high school

