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鑑於愛滋助人者也會受到社會大眾對愛滋刻版印象的影響,在工作岡位上常會遇到兩難困境,加上國內外愛滋助人工作者的文獻多以公共衛生角度探究助人者不願提供愛滋感染者服務的原因,較少深入瞭解某些能擺脫外界歧視,並以關懷倫理投身於愛滋領域助人工作的研究。 為此,本研究以關懷倫理學為研究主軸,採取質性研究的方式,透過紮根理論蒐集、分析資料,了解十位愛滋助人工作者的助人動機、與愛滋感染者建立關係的方式,以及擔任愛滋助人者對個人生命的影響。期待透過研究結果,提供未來的助人者在服務愛滋感染者,或愛滋機構培育人才時的參考。 本次研究結果發現,愛滋助人者的助人動機大多與個人生命事件有關,並透過與愛滋感染者真實接觸,改變對愛滋病或愛滋感染者的認知,開始以真誠及開放的態度與服務對象建立關係。在助人關係裡,愛滋助人者會在具體的情境,同理服務對象的處境,以彈性、開放的方式提供服務,並且透過服務對象的回應,了解彼此在關係間的感受及狀態。當遇到關係困境時,愛滋助人者也會接納自己的情緒反應及限制,以對話、溝通的方式與服務對象持續維持關係。不僅如此,愛滋助人者也會嘗試擴大關懷行為,改變社會大眾對愛滋病的刻版印象,以及爭取對愛滋感染者更加友善的政策及服務制度。此外,服務愛滋感染者的過程中,愛滋助人者也會因為服務對象的生命故事或正向回饋,看見自我的專業能力及價值,改變對於自我疾病身分或性取向的認知,有機會在肯定自我的途中,深化關懷他人的能量及意圖。
The stereotypes toward HIV/AIDS and people living with HIV/AIDS have surrounded with the AIDS helpers and clients and put the AIDS helpers in a dilemma during helping process. However, the previous studies focusing on helpers’ barriers to help clients in public health field have rarely revealed the voice of AIDS helpers. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the helping motivations, the strategy of building caring relationship with client, and the influence of caring practices on life among AIDS helpers. Based on qualitative approach, a grounded theory method involving ethic of care was conducted to capture and analysis the data from ten AIDS helpers. I expect the study result would propose implications to HIV/AIDS organizations for training and be a facilitator that enabling the helper to work with people living with HIV/AIDS. The current study reveals that, based on contact with people living with HIV/AIDS and the own life events, most AIDS helpers have transformed their cognition of AIDS, involved with caring motivations, and been willing to build caring relationship with people living with HIV/AIDS sincerely and openly. In the caring relationship, the AIDS helpers were brave to take the responsibility and duty; the way in which the dialogue was implemented to empathize with clients and provide flexible, open, and individual service. When AIDS helpers encounter moral dilemmas in the caring relationship, they would not only keep having a dialogue with clients but also accept their own limit, and find the way expressing negative emotions. Besides, as becoming aware of the influence of social environment on clients, AIDS helpers attempt to eliminate the prejudice and discrimination from society and create better service system for clients. Last, based on the accomplishment of ideal caring image or the positive feedback from clients, AIDS helpers advanced professional competence, affirmed self-value as an AIDS helper, and are willing to perform continually caring practice to others.



愛滋病, 愛滋感染者, 愛滋助人工作者, 關懷倫理學, HIV/AIDS, people living with HIV/AIDS, AIDS helpers, Ethic of Care

