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本研究旨在探討水中有氧運動參與者從事水中有氧運動之涉入程度與休閒效益之情形,以臺北市水中有氧運動課程參與者為研究對象,採立意抽樣方式進行問卷調查,回收之有效問卷共計329份,根據所得資料,以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關等統計方法進行處理。研究結果發現: 一、 水中有氧參與者之現況以「女性」、年齡介於「31~40歲」、「已婚」為最多;教育程度以「大專院校」最多;平均月收入以「40,001-60,000元」最多;職業以「商業」為最多;游泳能力以「會游泳」為最多;資訊來源則以「親朋好友推薦」為最多。在涉入行為方面:以參與年資「1-6個月」、「平均每週參與一次」、「未購買相關裝備」和「未利用空閒自行參與」者佔多數。 二、不同年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、平均月收入、職業、游泳能力、參與年資、參與頻率、是否購買裝備、是否利用空閒自行參與之水中有氧參與者,在社會心理涉入上有明顯差異,顯示臺北市的水中有氧運動參與者因特性不同,其社會心理涉入情形有所差異。 三、不同年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、平均月收入、參與年資、是否購買裝備、是否利用空閒自行參與之水中有氧參與者,在休閒效益上有明顯差異,顯示臺北市的水中有氧運動參與者因特性不同,其休閒效益情形也有所差異。 四、臺北市水中有氧運動參與者在社會心理涉入和休閒效益之間有二個典型相關係數達顯著水準,顯示兩者之間確有典型相關存在。 本研究發現臺北市水中有氧運動參與者涉入程度對休閒效益有正面的影響關係,建議政府相關單位及業者能積極推廣水中有氧運動,並針對不同族群設計課程,以提升水中有氧參與者的休閒效益,獲得更佳的生活水準及生活品質。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between involvement and leisure benefits among water aerobics participants in Taipei areas. In total, 329 effective questionnaires were collected by adopting the purposive sampling, and descriptive statistics analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, and canonical correlation analysis were applied for data analysis. The findings of the study were suggested as the followings: 1. The majority of current water aerobics participants in Taipei areas were female, at the age of 31-40, married, and had college degree. Most of them were in business industry, can swim and got information of water aerobics from relatives and friends. Subjects who participated between 1-6 months, once a week, no equipment purchase and no leisure time self-participation were in the majority of behavior involvement. 2. Concerning social psychological involvement, there were significant differences between water aerobics participants of different age, marital status, education level, average monthly income, occupation, swimming ability, participation period, weekly frequency of participation, equipment purchase and self-participation in leisure time. This meant the varied social psychological involvement of water aerobics participants in Taipei areas were due to their own traits. 3. In leisure benefits, the study also presented significant differences between water aerobics participants of different age, marital status, education level, average monthly income, participation period, equipment purchase and self-participation in leisure time. This indicated that the varied leisure benefits of participation in water aerobics resulted from their own traits. 4. There were two canonical correlation factors reaching significant level among involvement and leisure benefits of water aerobics participants in Taipei areas, which revealed that canonical correlation did exist among the two variables. The research proved that involvement of water aerobics participants in Taipei areas is positively related to leisure benefits. We suggest the authorities and relevant industries encourage people to participate in water aerobics, design suitable courses for participants with different needs, and fulfill participants’ needs when doing leisure activities, and therefore enhance leisure benefits, living standard, and life quality of water aerobics participants.



水中有氧運動參與者, 涉入程度, 休閒效益, Water aerobics participants, Involvement, Leisure benefits

