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本研究旨在探討國小高年級學童家長的理財態度與金錢教養行為現況,以及二者之間的關係,研究方法採用問卷調查法,研究對象為民國99年臺北縣(新北市)境內國小高年級學生之家長,有效總問卷數為708份。研究以「理財態度量表」、「金錢教養行為量表」及「個人基本資料」為研究工具收集資料進行分析,所得資料以SPSS13.0版進行處理分析,以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、二因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元階層迴歸分析進行統計考驗。分析結果如下: 一、 家長理財態度現況分析: (一) 普遍認同理財的重要性。 (二) 對於投資的態度比較謹慎保守。 (三) 理財態度積極認真,但對於財務現況仍有感不足。 二、 家長金錢教養行為現況分析: (一) 整體而言,金錢教養行為頻率介於「有時」至「經常」之間。 (二) 家長之金錢教養行為以「規範性」較多,「溝通性」較少,但單一面向中之各個行為仍有個殊性。 (三) 家長最常鼓勵子女存錢,較少和子女討論投資概念。 三、 家長理財態度於不同背景因素下,其差異與相關情形有所不同: (一) 受訪家長的整體性理財態度,會隨著教育程度、職業類別、配偶職業類別、家庭收入以及子女數之不同而有顯著差異;其中男性家長的整體性理財態度,又與配偶(妻子)的年齡有顯著相關性。 (二) 受訪家長的「理財計劃」態度,會因家庭收入水準的不同而有顯著差異。 (三) 受訪家長的「理財執行」態度,會隨著年齡層、教育程度、職業類別、配偶職業、家庭收入水準之不同而有顯著差異。 (四) 受訪家長的「理財評估」態度,會隨著教育程度、職業類別、配偶職業、家庭收入水準以及子女數不同而有顯著差異,並且隨著年齡與結婚年數的交互作用產生顯著差異;其中男性家長的「理財評估」態度,又與配偶(妻子)的年齡有顯著相關性。 四、 家長金錢教養行為於不同背景因素下,具有不同的差異情形: (一) 受訪家長的整體性金錢教養行為,會隨著年齡、教育程度、家庭收入水準之不同而有顯著差異。 (二) 受訪家長的「溝通討論」行為,會隨著性別、年齡、教育程度、家庭收入水準、子女數之不同而有顯著差異。 (三) 受訪家長的「提供經驗」與「建立規範」行為,於不同背景因素下均無顯著差異。 五、 家長之理財態度與金錢教養行為具有顯著正相關。 六、 家長之背景變項、理財態度對於不同層面之金錢教養行為,具有顯著預測力: (一) 家長之理財態度對於「提供經驗」層面之金錢教養行為具有顯著預測力,可單獨解釋家長金錢教養行為總變異量的5.4%。家長的理財態度愈正向積極,提供子女金錢相關經驗的頻率就愈高。 (二) 家長之性別、子女數以及理財態度對於「溝通討論」層面之金錢教養行為具有顯著預測力,各變項共可解釋兒童家庭自我概念總變異量的13.4%。女性家長較常和子女談論金錢話題;子女數愈多的家長,愈少和子女談論金錢話題;家長的理財態度愈正向積極,愈常和子女談論金錢話題。 (三) 家長之理財態度對於「建立規範」層面之金錢教養行為具有顯著預測力,可單獨解釋家長金錢教養行為總變異量的2.6%。家長的理財態度愈正向積極,對於子女金錢使用的監督與掌控行為愈頻繁。 (四) 家長之理財態度對於整體層面之金錢教養行為具有顯著預測力,可單獨解釋家長金錢教養行為總變異量的7.9%。家長的理財態度愈正向積極,從事各項金錢教養行為的頻率愈高。 最後依據研究發現提出建議,作為家長、親職教育規劃者及未來研究之參考。
The purposes of this study are to understand upper-grade elementary school student’s parents’ attitudes about financial management, to understand these parents’ monetary instruction for kids, and to explore the relationship between these parents’ attitudes and instruction. Questionnaire survey is carried out in this study. Samples are collected from the fifth and sixth grade students of public elementary schools in Taipei County(New Taipei City)in 2010. 708 valid questionnaires are analyzed. The instruments used for data collection and analysis are financial management attitudes scale, parental monetary behaviors scale, and demographic information. All statistics are computed by Statistical Package for Social Science(SPSS). Descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance(one-way ANOVA), two-way analysis of variance(two-way ANOVA), Pearson’s product-moment correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis are utilized to evaluate and analyze between factors. The results indicated as follows: 1. Analysis of aspects of parent’s financial management attitudes: (1)Generally speaking, parents recognize the importance of financial management. (2)Parents are cautious with investment. (3)Although parents have positive attitudes toward financial management, they are slightly unsatisfied with present financial situation. 2. Analysis of aspects of parental monetary behaviors: (1)Generally speaking, the frequencies of parental monetary behaviors are between “sometimes” to “often”. (2)Although parents appear more controlled, but less communicating parental monetary behaviors, there still be some special cases in parental practices. (3)Parents encourage their children saving money frequently, but discuss investment less often. 3. Analysis of variances and correlations of parent’s financial managementattitudes:: (1)There are significant differences in whole financial management attitude due to education level , vocation, couple’s vocation, income and number of children in family. There is a significant correlation between fathers’ whole financial management attitude and their wives’ age. (2)There are significant differences in financial planning attitude due to income.. (3)There are significant differences in financial implementing attitude due to age, education level, vocation, couple’s vocation and income. (4)There are significant differences in financial evaluation attitude due to education level, vocation, couple’s vocation, income and number of children in family, also due to the interaction effect of ‘age’בmarital years’. There is a significant correlation between fathers’ financial evaluation attitude and their wives’ age. 4. Analysis of variances of parental monetary behaviors: (1)There are significant differences in whole parental monetary behavior due to age, education level and income. (2)There are significant differences in communication dimension parental behavior due to gender, age, education level, income and number of children in family. (3)No matter what the demographic conditions the parents are, there is no significant differences in parental monetary behaviors. at “experience” and “control” dimensions 5. The relationship between financial management attitude and parental monetary behavior is significantly positively correlated. 6. Results of multiple regression of parental monetary behavior: (1)Parental financial management attitude can explain parental monetary behaviors at “experience” dimension, which singly accounts for 5.4% of the explained variance in criterion. The more positive financial management attitude the parents have, the higher frequency is the parental monetary behavior. (2)Gender, the number of children and parental financial management attitude can explain parental monetary behaviors at “communication” dimension, which account for 13.4% of the explained variance in criterion. Mothers discuss money with children more often than fathers do. The more children the parents have, the less is their monetary talking with children. The more positive financial management attitude the parents have, the higher frequency is the parental monetary behavior. (3)Parental financial management attitude can explain parental monetary behaviors at “control” dimension, which singly accounts for 2.6% of the explained variance in criterion. The more positive financial management attitude the parents have, the higher frequency is the parental monetary behavior. (4)Parental financial management attitude can explain whole parental monetary behaviors, which singly accounts for 7.9% of the explained variance in criterion. The more positive financial management attitude the parents have, the higher frequency is the parental monetary behavior. Suggestions are made according to the results shown above for parents, parent education programmers and further studies.



理財態度, 金錢教養行為, financial management attitude, parental monetary behavior

